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Wigston A.S. Open Matches - GUC Leicestershire

Posted: June 11th, 2011, 9:55 am
by Nursey
Dear All,
Despite the lack of interest in running a teams of four  spring league on canal at Mkt Harborough, Wigston and Loughborough, I've had a quite a few enquiries about individual open matches and so will be running the following four open matches on Wigston A.S. waters using the Glen Parva, Wigston and Kilby Bridge sections.

Sunday 17th July
Sunday 31st July
Sunday 28th August
Sunday 11th Sept

None of these dates clash with the Sensas Summer League matches or Knighton AC club matches.

Draw will be 8am at the Choice Cafe, Aylestone Road, Leicester with breakfast available from 7am.

No bloodworm or joker

£20 all-in

To book-in for the first match, please contact Steve Oakes (07941 361753) or myself Adam Nurse on 07860 112000.

Nursey Image

Wigston A.S. Open Matches - GUC Leicestershire

Posted: August 1st, 2011, 8:33 pm
by phy8dop
Ive just registered.
Have these matches been fished, or was there not enough interest? If they did go ahead, was much caught? I might be interested in having a go in the August 28th one if its happening.