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First time out and I got me my Tench!!

Posted: April 16th, 2011, 9:49 am
by csmpaul1
Well I went for my first days fishing yesterday on the GUC in Glen Parva, Leicester with the help of the trolley kindly given to me by SKIMMERZ [Thanks again Tim] and had a reasonable day with a mixed net of Roach, Skimmers and Rudd, oh and one tiny Perch and a GUDGEON!!!lol,
But the icing on the cake was a Tench of 4lb 12oz, this might not sound a huge fish or one to get excited about but it's a fish that will stay in my memory for a long time,
When I used to fish regular I'd spent many a day targeting Tench but just could not catch one for love nor money no matter how hard I tried even when I'd gone with friends who would catch several Tench in a day from tiddlers to double figure fish, It just seemed as though I was never destined to break my Tench virginity, but when I hooked that fish yesterday I thought this feels better, maybe a perch of a couple of pounds or even a chub or carp, I knew it wasn't a bream because it put up too good a fight and when I saw it surface and realised it was a Tench I nearly dropped my rod, then the fear set in, will my hook hold, will my hooklength hold, will it unhook it's self, I've never concentrated so hard on playing a fish in my life and when I got my net under her I will openly admit I had a tear in my eye, I had finaly caught my first Tench and that realy did make the day.
A 4lb 12oz Tench may not sound so special to a lot of you but for me it's one of the best catches of my life...

First time out and I got me my Tench!!

Posted: April 16th, 2011, 11:39 am
by Mugger
Congratulations Fella.
That's a lovely looking fish. Image

First time out and I got me my Tench!!

Posted: April 16th, 2011, 11:46 am
by bill yards
Nice tench that and one to be proud of.

My best in over 50 years is 4 lb 15 oz.

The jobs a good 'un. Image Image Image

First time out and I got me my Tench!!

Posted: April 16th, 2011, 9:22 pm
by jay
im going fishing for tench tommorow at a local lake, usually fish around 10m with corn pellet meat and groundbait, generally always have a great day with tincas up to 5lb and some really nice crucian carp to around 2lb, its a beautiful lake, cant wait to get bagging, ill let yas know how it goes.

First time out and I got me my Tench!!

Posted: April 16th, 2011, 9:47 pm
by Simple
Cracking tinca, well doneĀ  Image

Look forward to it. Get some piccies too, evryone is obsessed with pictures on hereĀ  Image Image

First time out and I got me my Tench!!

Posted: April 17th, 2011, 6:13 pm
by TK
A 4lb 12oz Tench may not sound so special to a lot of you but for me it's one of the best catches of my life...

Gud un csmpaul1 - nice one Image Belting cut fish Image

Look forward to it. Get some piccies too, everyone is obsessed with pictures on here

Not half Image

First time out and I got me my Tench!!

Posted: April 17th, 2011, 7:49 pm
by Drynet
great stuff paul Image And good luck jay Image

First time out and I got me my Tench!!

Posted: April 17th, 2011, 9:18 pm
by jay
unfortunately havent got any pics but what a great day it not sure whether the tench are just waking up from the winter but only had the one golden tench today, which is unusual for the water coz generally its black with them. I made up for it with the carp tho and had 7 crucians of around 1.5lb and 9 proper carp with the biggest around 11lb, which was great fun on the pole, maybe a little to much fun coz i lost 5 in the reeds where i was fishing down the edge. ill post some pics next time and hopefully the tench will have come out to play and believe me im itching to get back. altogether with the skimmers roach and ide i brobly had 45lb-50lb