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The Gozzer

Posted: January 9th, 2011, 6:48 pm
by two shakes
Been done to death,but this article gives the name of of somebody who made his name breeding and fishing the Gozzer.....................answers please ? 


The Gozzer

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 9:31 am
by joffmiester
i bet now one can be bothered to them now with pellets being so powerful :-/

The Gozzer

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 10:12 am
by Waveney_One
We do them for the bream and skimmers on the R. Yare. We don't use annatto though, but the bright pink dye that I forget the name of. I'll remember the name of the angler eventually as well.

Hope the dentist sorted the old tooth out mate!

The Gozzer

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 10:14 am
by TK
Probably way off the mark Two Shakes, but I'd have gone for either of the two 'obvious' names - B A or W L :-/

The Gozzer

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 10:16 am
by TK
bright pink dye that I forget the name of.

Annatto ?

The Gozzer

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 10:25 am
by Waveney_One
Yellow dye used for colouring butter. Probably got the wrong name and spelling - altzeimers kicking in I reckon :(

The Gozzer

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 11:16 am
by joffmiester
Ivan and a bloke called dave hutchingson [a butcher] did them for years for leicester AS also the sour brans that looked like squatts but moved backwards :D :D

The Gozzer

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 11:24 am
by Waveney_One
I have loads ( a bucketful) of the oily red dye as well which I have tried to get the meat to take and the maggots to eat but I just get some really wishy washy red colour and for the Yare you want the deepest colour you can get. Maybe I ought to buy some annatto and use that. It used to be advertised as 'a roll of annatto' in the Angling times years ago.

If anyone knows how to get the red dye to take I would love to know. &quot :D ouble dying" has been whispered to me in the past and not to bother trying to mix it with water as it needs to be mixed with oil. I am not trying it with diesel or my heating oil before anyone suggests it!

The Gozzer

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 11:25 am
by Waveney_One
I have done those sour brans in the past as well but getting the timing right was impossible as it took so long to get a blow and I wasn't very impressed with the maggots either to be honest.

The Gozzer

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 12:59 pm
by TK
Yellow dye used for colouring butter.  Probably got the wrong name and spelling - altzeimers kicking in I reckon  :(

Think it's me that's got that affliction Waveney One - I misread your original post :-[

Meant to ask Rhodamine?

The Gozzer

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 3:43 pm
by bill yards
We use to buy proper gozzers directly from a chap named Billy Lane, they were superb.
Very good price too; they sold loads for the Witham, Welland, North Bank and co.

Anatto was available in rolls or by powder form in phialls. It was actually bright orange and you made it into a type of paste with boiling water then add it to the meat, it left the maggot a butter colour; in fact some tackle shops used to sell anatto maggots.
True it was (maybe still is) to colour butter. Hate to think what the proper colour of butter is! I think you had to send to a company near Wrexham for it, it was quite cheap.

The dye that was used for yellow maggots used to be called auramine. It was available from the chemists but I am not sure if you can buy it or if it is even allowed to be sold now.

I used to do all sorts of home bred maggots. Sour brans were quite easy but there were much better baits. Those gozzers were brill on the cuts in those days.

Some of the best pinkies I ever did came from ham. They were large for a pinkie but the colour was the thing, almost a proper pink.

The Gozzer

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 5:34 pm
by Waveney_One
Yep, Rhodamine, that is the pink stuff. Mixes easily with water and as a paste you can put it onto the meat where the young maggots are working and they will eat it.

Looking at the net it appears that it "shows fluorescence (appears yellow) but only the red is transmitted" when submitted to green light. That is interesting and maybe why the pink 'fluro' maggot is so effective. I don't have so much rhodamine left now but it doesn't take much to get some nice fluro homers.

The Gozzer

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 5:39 pm
by Waveney_One
Bill did you ever get the dark red dye to work properly. I'm stupid really as I sat next to Lol Higgins yesterday - thrashed him by a whole 2oz!!! - and as he breeds maggots for a living I could have asked him. However I got my dye from Simon at Ouse Valley Baits and he said you 'just chuck it in the pit, dry'. Might well work for commercial where you have loads of meat/fish but not effective for a heart or a pigeon.

The Gozzer

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 7:07 pm
by bill yards
Waveney One.

Red Dye. I can remember having this very same conversation in my tackle shop where I worked for years. The outcome was exactly as you describe; there must be a way of doing it (through the meat/fish) feed but we couldn't work it out! Like you say guys like Lol Higgins would know, if you find out let me know, - just for interest. Image

The Gozzer

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 10:51 pm
by Waveney_One
I will Bill when I find out eventually. I expect that the problem will be that Lol does his the same way as Ouse Valley!

The Gozzer

Posted: January 11th, 2011, 7:59 am
Not sure about this but I do seem to recall a bloke who fished for Coventry doing a load years ago, can you remember Kingfisher ? (A. Dobley or something like that !) I do remember going somewhere with Tony and everybody poncing some off him !

The Gozzer

Posted: January 11th, 2011, 9:19 am
by craftytafty
We used to do our own gozzers years ago when we fished Attenborough, Willesly, Earlswood etc.

Vic Bull did the best I saw. took some doing to cadge some off him :'( :'(

The Gozzer

Posted: January 11th, 2011, 9:33 am
by bill yards
Not sure about this but I do seem to recall a bloke who fished for Coventry doing a load years ago, can you remember Kingfisher ? (A. Dobley or something like that !) I do remember going somewhere with Tony and everybody poncing some off him !

Remember him CWH Alan Dolby; he may well have got them from Billy Lane as they fished in the same team. He might have got the recipe though and did them himself but Billy's gozzers were the bees knees.
Dead pigeons and milk, best gozzers ever, there yer go, your starter for ten Image Image Image Image

The Gozzer

Posted: January 11th, 2011, 10:05 am
by joffmiester
dave ensors best mate i think he moved to ireland with dave years back
very quiet bloke unless you up set him Image Image
fished a match years ago in your neck of the woods choppy snarstone i think
he ran in some trouble with some local boys and he was the last man standing Image
i'm sure thats him

The Gozzer

Posted: January 11th, 2011, 10:06 am
by joffmiester
[quote]We used to do our own gozzers years ago when we fished Attenborough, Willesly, Earlswood etc.

Vic Bull did the best I saw. took some doing to cadge some off him :'( :'(

would you do them nower days