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i've had to take time off work

Posted: February 15th, 2010, 11:33 am
by joffmiester
i'm not in the office this week i'm having a few days off with the kids  Image Imageand i think i need it after yesterday  Imageyes all the talk and all the ideas tried but nothing but nothing could stop the dreaded B.L.A.N.K  Imageyesterday i never walk in a team match but this section had me beat well and proper I've got a few pictures I'll get on but the cameras charging at the minute
it really was a section of two half's i new section at kilby bridge i was drawn on A11 and bob greenbury had walked the night before and just said you might as well go home now :-? :-/ :-[ great why i said and he replied just wait and see  Image Image
this where i need the pictures on arrival at the section the first 6 pegs all looked flyer's a turning bay,boats and a massive reed bed  :o :o i thought whats bob on about  ::)it looks great until i walked passed these pegs Imagewent passed the wires then passed 200 yards of canal that hadn't been pegs to see a lock in the distance  Image Imageand with a cold east wind in my face  :-[ :-[i could see every angler in my section and lee morley had drawn on my left and colly on my right even collys face gave it away why would a fish live out in the country when you've got loads of boats and the turning bay around the corner  Image Imagethe writing was on the wall  Imagestill i had a few tricks up my sleeve so i thought its that day to fish for a bite the problem being the wind was bitter cold at the whistle lines were fed i did feed on positive but took my time with the others i could always add more if needed Image Imagelee next to me had a roach second put in Imagei thought might be ok then colly after searching his peg after a perch down the side he also went out and had a roach  :-/ :-/ :-/ from thenn on it was painfull no one had another bite anglers were walking around and still i thought on of the tricks would pay off ::)after another two hours the only place the tricks would do any good was the pub Image Imagethat was it off the box i went
i new choppie and rob jones had drawn in the early pegs so camera in hand off i went we had heard all six pegs were catching choppie had 5 perch at this time and said they were all propper like all five would go 8 or 9lb  :o :o low and behold the camera was flat as a pancake as choppie played his sixth perch  Image Imagei've got a photo on my phone so hopefully i'l get them on site what a lovely net and they went 11lb for the six  :o :o :o star man Imagethe winner came off peg one woody he had a golden spell catching 4 bream in four casts  :o :o
team wise Image Image Image20 hrs of fishing saw us catch a quarter of a ounce between 4 of us Image Image Image 


i've had to take time off work

Posted: February 15th, 2010, 12:17 pm
by TK
Image Image Image

How do I go about booking it for the Grueller series Joffie - sounds like it's right up our street Image

i've had to take time off work

Posted: February 15th, 2010, 4:17 pm
by Dodge
I had 6 miniscule perch and 2 roach fry on joker yesterday on the Lanky for 3oz Joff  Image  Image Image

Everyone else in my section had a boat opposite or a basin ...... i drew right next to bridge with tins opposite ! Peg 1 was first in section, peg 2 second, peg three 3rd, peg 4 fourth, peg 5 fifth etc in the 7 peg section ...... i drew peg 7!!!!!! .... i fished a blinder tho as the bloke on peg 6 BLANKED !  Image Image   Image Image    8-) 

Image Image Image Image Image   PROPER crappity smackED OFF   Image Image Image

i've had to take time off work

Posted: February 15th, 2010, 7:46 pm
by bill yards
I had one gudgeon (it were a big 'un) on Saturday.
I also got a float bristle stuck in me crappity smack finger and twenty minutes later got a wire stuck in me wobbly cheeks. I was wandering around like a crappity smack pin cushion Image
Then got unwanted verbally slagged off in the pub after by a total crappity smack wanker, (hope he's looking in)

Still had a bad day Dodge? (footie excepted!)

crappity smack running matches Image Image Image

i've had to take time off work

Posted: February 15th, 2010, 9:52 pm
by colly
Joff - Really enjoyed drawing next to you yesterday!! What a match Image tried everything to get another bite, stocking with worm and tiny bits of redworm on 2 lines - no bite. Leam, gudgeon black and squatt/pinkie - no bites. Just one roach on punch first put in and it was all down hill from there!

Our team of 4 bread punch specialists caught a grand total of 4 roach (1 each) at least we are consistent! Thought about going to March on Sunday - Nuddy won with 345 roach for 27lb so looks like I made the right choice.

Well done choppie a great performance and me and Joff werent too jealous :'(

i've had to take time off work

Posted: February 15th, 2010, 10:33 pm
Hard luck Colly ! , I am afraid the canal is very peggy at the moment and it takes some good luck to draw on some fish mate. Hopefully you and Joff will have some luck in the next round (maybe !).
It does not take a rocket scientist to work out this is all due to the weather we are having at the moment.
All credit to the lads for trying to peg different area's but if I could give a little advice that would be to peg the built up area's and keep away from the country where the cold wind prevails on the canal.
Even then you will not be guaranteed fish but the chances will be certainly be better.
Hopefully the weather will improve and we will all bag up !!!!!!!! :D :D
My last thoughts on these matches are that they are well organised and run, and the atmosphere is great, I am enjoying meeting people like yourself and having the craic !!!!! :D :D :D :D

i've had to take time off work

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 11:45 am
by joffmiester
nice to see you in the pub after choppie Image Image

i've had to take time off work

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 12:08 pm
by TK
With the exception of Choppie Image sounds like a fair few of us off the forum had a ballacher over the weekend :'(

i've had to take time off work

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 12:19 pm
by joffmiester
:D :D i'm only just getting over it TK Image Image well its practice for the gruellers series TK you might want to put a team in this league mate Image Image Image

i've had to take time off work

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 1:53 pm
by bill yards
As you know I compile more than a few results!
On Sunday eve I had FIVE consecutive results come in from cuts with the winner on peg 1, - that should tell us a lot. Every cut result I got there was loads of dry nets so we are all in the same boat.

Why? Obviously the weather.
As we have never had such a prolonged spell of cold weather for quite a few years the new crops of fish just haven't seen thiese conditions before in their lives; this is probably why they will not feed...........
Just a theory but maybe not far off the mark.
If you drop on one of the dense shoals I reckon you could all but chuck housebricks at them, you will still catch!

i've had to take time off work

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 6:44 pm
by macca
peg 1 went dry on the post office match you would normaly run to that peg.

i've had to take time off work

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 7:06 pm
by bill yards
He couldn't Cope with it Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

i've had to take time off work

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 7:06 pm
by hammo
well it was the same for me 1 bite 1 roach in the last 10 minutes.what crappity smack my peg up was some plonker 2 pegs away chucking bolts in to try and attract a fish joff u know who i mean can anyone give him some tips on how to fish a canal Image Image Image

i've had to take time off work

Posted: February 18th, 2010, 10:30 am
by maddog
keep telling joff better to be lucky than good at wigston this time of the year?nuts n bolts in ground bait new one on me joff hammo giving u stick aswell bad sunday .

i've had to take time off work

Posted: February 19th, 2010, 10:45 am
by joffmiester
i'l try anything hammo i would of used a stone if i could of found one Imagethe bolts were for the tights mate :-? i don't think you will be any clearer after telling you that Image Image Image

i've had to take time off work

Posted: February 19th, 2010, 11:43 am
by lloydy
I know that throwing a brick in has worked to catch a perch on the clear canals round here Image

i've had to take time off work

Posted: February 19th, 2010, 3:46 pm
by Dodge
My mate "Big Dave Williams" invented the tights method ;)

Hope you have all asked for his permision to use it in six fingers country Image Image :D

i've had to take time off work

Posted: February 22nd, 2010, 3:48 pm
by joffmiester
Image    :D

WHO YOU CALLING SIX FINGERS Image you blo#dy fudge pushers Image