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Rolfs Winter Leauge

Posted: November 18th, 2009, 3:55 pm
by Simple
Well Im there this Sunday. Its going to be a bit different to fishing in the summer i'm sure  :D
First time out for a while for me too Image Image
Bread has been banned also for anyone else going.
Can it be worse than TK's Grueller series is all I'm thinking  Image Image

Will let you know  Image

Rolfs Winter Leauge

Posted: November 18th, 2009, 4:36 pm
by bill yards
Bread has been banned also for anyone else going.

What the crappity smack????

:o :o :o

Rolfs Winter Leauge

Posted: November 18th, 2009, 5:10 pm
by Bill_G
what is it with the bread ban simps ?

Rolfs Winter Leauge

Posted: November 18th, 2009, 5:30 pm
by Simple
What the crappity smack????
I know Image

what is it with the bread ban simps ?
From what I have heard he normally bans it for the first few matches and then allows it in the colder months.
The weather this year is far from how cold it normally is though Image Image

Rolfs Winter Leauge

Posted: November 19th, 2009, 8:03 pm
by Dodge
Fill it in wiv maggots Simps Image Image ;) 8-)

Rolfs Winter Leauge

Posted: November 20th, 2009, 4:18 pm
by Simple
Yes Dodge I will Image Image Image
Might take some casters too Image

Rolfs Winter Leauge

Posted: November 20th, 2009, 7:07 pm
by joffmiester
maggots simps Imagedead ones

Rolfs Winter Leauge

Posted: November 20th, 2009, 7:30 pm
by Bill_G
simps you will need to take some prawns mate,
carp love em and it will be something different to anybody else.might just give you the edge.

Rolfs Winter Leauge

Posted: November 20th, 2009, 7:35 pm
by bill yards
He ain't allowed to put prawns on bread. Image Image

Rolfs Winter Leauge

Posted: November 20th, 2009, 8:04 pm
by Mugger
Enjoy yourself fella.
Looking forward to the report already.

Go Team Assassins. Image

Rolfs Winter Leauge

Posted: November 20th, 2009, 10:17 pm
by Simple
I would eat all the prawns as I love them Image

I reckon I will have plenty of time to take loads of pictures Image :D

Rolfs Winter Leauge

Posted: November 22nd, 2009, 3:29 pm
by Mugger
Are we going to get a report? or has Simps caught Cliveitus when it comes to reporting the days events. Image

Rolfs Winter Leauge

Posted: November 22nd, 2009, 5:45 pm
by TK
From what I have heard he normally bans it for the first few matches and then allows it in the colder months

Whats that all about Image Image

Interested in the reasoning behind this 'ban' Image Image Image

Rolfs Winter Leauge

Posted: November 22nd, 2009, 6:43 pm
by me
rules at rolfs have all ways been strange. When rolf had it before he passsed away you had to check the night before your match  to see what was allowed and what was banned. When they started to allow rods to be used for ledgering they banned straight lead (ie bombs ect) but you could use an empty feeder. Since jonh as taken over rolfs the strange rules followed.

Rolfs Winter Leauge

Posted: November 22nd, 2009, 8:19 pm
by Simple
Are we going to get a report
I was still fishing when you typed this Image Image

Rolfs Winter Leauge

Posted: November 22nd, 2009, 10:11 pm
by Mugger
Stop making excuses and get the report done. Image Image

Rolfs Winter Leauge

Posted: November 23rd, 2009, 12:47 pm
by Dave C
Rumour has it that Clive is typing his report already. Come on Simps you cant let Clive best you. Image

Rolfs Winter Leauge

Posted: November 23rd, 2009, 5:46 pm
by Clive
Make em wait Simps  ;)

I'm aiming at going to print sometime in the new year  Image

Rolfs Winter Leauge

Posted: November 23rd, 2009, 7:09 pm
by me
at least tk gets his results of KOD and posts a nice write up by monday evening Image :D :D :D .

So the race is on between simps and clive to you can get a report up first Image

Rolfs Winter Leauge

Posted: November 23rd, 2009, 7:11 pm
by Bill_G
there is no race when it comes to clive writing his blog,
simon dont get into bad habits mate .