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Trent - Baileys Meadow

Posted: September 3rd, 2009, 10:51 pm
by dazt
I'm back online after finally moving house....

Anyway.Last Sunday's match was truly shocking.

A pathetic turn out of about 6.

1st Cess - 12oz
2nd Me - 8oz
3rd Don' know but he had 1 micro roach

Everyone else blanked!!!!

Crap place, only good thing was you could park behind your peg.

Oh well, onto the vineyards on the 15th Sept.
I wonder if Cess will fall in again. :D

Trent - Baileys Meadow

Posted: September 3rd, 2009, 10:59 pm
by Simple
You done better than I did a few years a go. I had 7 Dace for 4oz I think. Conna won it.

Welcome back too mate, did the move go alright.

Trent - Baileys Meadow

Posted: September 3rd, 2009, 11:18 pm
by dazt
Yep, finally moved in.
All ok apart from being left a load of crap in it
Trying not to think about my new morgage payments. :(

Trent - Baileys Meadow

Posted: September 3rd, 2009, 11:33 pm
by Simple
As long as it dont stop you from fishing. Image Image

6 turned up, that has really dropped off. Seems to get less every year :(
I bet Cess was loving it the old crappity smack Image

Trent - Baileys Meadow

Posted: September 4th, 2009, 10:54 am
by Obi
had same result on club match on trent at handsacre 2 weeks ago 1lb 10 oz won 10oz 2nd 4 oz 3rd 20 fished 5 caught most went home after 3 hours dont think we will be going back Image

Trent - Baileys Meadow

Posted: September 4th, 2009, 2:00 pm
by TK
Whereabouts did you fish OBI - the BAA section or opposite?

Trent - Baileys Meadow

Posted: September 5th, 2009, 9:54 pm
Sorry for butting in but i live local to the venue and fish alot of the matches that coors run.
Up until this year the river has been in good form from July to Oct and again in Feb / March. The roach fishing was superb last year. Many big weights up to 30lb of redfins. The pegging, access and organisation have been excellent and the guys who run this club deserve praise for what they have achieved.
Unfortunately in late June the river got polluted above Branston towards Fradley, the information is limited at present.
However when Severn Trent investigated the fish loss at Willington it was estimated that approx. 500 fish were spotted dead going under the bridge per hour, and obviously that is only what could be seen.
The fish were of all sizes.
If there is any good news, alot of fry have not been effected.
This is a major body blow for the club that run charity matches, hire out the water etc., and is certainly not deserved.

Trent - Baileys Meadow

Posted: September 6th, 2009, 9:39 am
by Obi
opposite bank to BAA. pegs looked after better than baa parking behind every peg,lea hall have this stretch have had club card for a few years now usually pretty good roach/dace fishing with a few rogue bream not gonna bother any more its been really crap for a couple of yers now just nothing showing even later in the year a couple of lbs is a very good weight,

the stretch the have @ wolsey bridge is better more chub @ that end but crap parking

by the way i managed the win Image first one of the year,

Trent - Baileys Meadow

Posted: September 6th, 2009, 10:37 am
by TK
CWH - echo your comments re Bass/Coors - over the last few years we've (Cashmores) had a number of good club matches fished across Sharretts and Broadholme. Weve also fished Baileys a few times, although have to say our returns havent been as good as on the other sections - unsure why, perhaps the silver fish 'move' around the Coors waters.
This year we were due to fish the Stretton AC waters for a change (golf course opposite the Drakelow Sunken gardens), but I did a late 12th hour switch to our cut because of the 'incident' emminating from the Tame that I read in the Burton papers. Our last match is still at the mo scheduled for the golf course, but I'm still trying to find out the real impact of the incident - if you hear owt, please let me know, cheers Image

OBI - I was about to ring Paul Brace from L H M to book that section for a club match next year, but now I'm totally undecided..........I'd previously heard positive things about the section Image Image Image

Trent - Baileys Meadow

Posted: September 6th, 2009, 12:07 pm
by Obi
usually does fish better later in the year weed was prolific most in top meadow couldnt even run a float thro we booked it in the middle of august ?????? cos we have been rained of it the last 2 years in oct , i would also say that non of us are really river anglers myself probably the most experienced and thats sayin summat Image i only managed to scrape the win cos i sat behind a chap from the power station club a fwe days previous and noticed he only caught @ about 5 metres on the pole holding back really hard nowt on feeder or the wagg giv it a go proper Image stuff Image

Trent - Baileys Meadow

Posted: September 6th, 2009, 6:11 pm
by TK
Now that's a bit more encouraging OBI ;) Image

Trent - Baileys Meadow

Posted: September 6th, 2009, 7:05 pm
by frank
We should have fished at Baileys on AUG 22 but was advised to cancell over the pollution, and that came from local lads and I mean good anglers on the trent.According to the info I got it did a load of damage. One off the lads said the dead fish floating down river was like watching sheets of ali cooking foil going down the river

Trent - Baileys Meadow

Posted: September 6th, 2009, 9:05 pm
by Obi
this stretch up stream of pollution probs colour was sock on bit slow on the flow side it just seemed out of sorts most fish caught were perch with just a few dace

Trent - Baileys Meadow

Posted: September 9th, 2009, 5:50 pm
by TK
usually does fish better later in the year

Yep my 'contacts' advise from mid Sept onwards as the roach migrate 'downstream' from Shugborough Image
i sat behind a chap from the power station club

Any ideas who that was Image

Trent - Baileys Meadow

Posted: September 10th, 2009, 7:29 am
by Obi
no idea m8 he did know of you and your fellow gruellerites fishing at the power station, he didnt mind me watching but wasnt the talkative type unlike the chatterboxes on here :D