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Monk Match Lake 2

Posted: March 2nd, 2009, 7:46 pm
by Dave C
Well i know its still over 4 weeks until our first match of the year, but it will soon be here. Its about time we started to get a bit of banter going.

Who will draw peg 45 this time. Colin had it last year but as he is suffering with some bad outings lately, if he got it again at least it would help him remember what a fish looks like before he completely forgets. Image

Will the wind blow again? Still at least you can play "Now you see me Now you dont" with your float if it does.  Image

Will I have a new set of matching luggage by then? Image Image

Already a couple of casualties, Jim and Simon cant make it.

Come on then you lot who cant wait.

There is one clarification to our rules....... Frogs WILL be allowed to be weighed in.  Image Image


Dave C

Dave T

18 so far

Monk Match Lake 2

Posted: March 2nd, 2009, 10:19 pm
by Mugger
Looking forward to getting things started with the club again.

I'll take peg 45 to stop everyone else fighting over it. Image

Monk Match Lake 2

Posted: March 3rd, 2009, 3:38 pm
by Spamwham
Of course the wind will blow - its Monks Image
I will draw with the wind howling into my face - I always do. :-?
So if I'm gonna get 45 then according to my calcs the wind has to blow a gale from due South Image
And how often does it do that early in the year - never Image
And who is it that fixes this match early in the year....mmmmmmm :-X (cursed by a frog :D :D :D )
I rest my case Image

Monk Match Lake 2

Posted: March 3rd, 2009, 4:04 pm
by Bill_G
as i recall last year tony you had the wind off your back as you were around peg 50 Image it was wily [terry] and me that had the white horses howling at us all day Image Image

Monk Match Lake 2

Posted: March 3rd, 2009, 4:10 pm
by Dave C
And who is it that fixes this match early in the year

Well that can easily be sorted. In future I will book Rockells Farm for early April and have Monk in June/July. Im sure you would prefer to have a carp bagging water in early April so you may get better weather for Monks. Image

Still the easy answer is learn to draw better. I suggest you get Simple to give you some lessons. Image Image

Some people are never satisfied. Image Image

April --- Too early and the weather is unpredictable
May/June---- The fish may be spawning
July/August ---- Too hot and the fish wont feed due to lack of oxygen
September----- Fish wont feed as they have been under too much pressure from too many matches in July/August
October--- The weather is becoming unpredictable again.

I supose I could start a league from November to March and call it the Marsh Grueller league, but then TK would want to come and fish them and stop us all catching again. Image Image Image

Monk Match Lake 2

Posted: March 3rd, 2009, 4:13 pm
by Dave C
Your dead right there Bill. You were next peg to me and we had 1ft waves to contend with.

I still managed to catch a few as I recall. :D Image Image

Monk Match Lake 2

Posted: March 3rd, 2009, 6:21 pm
by TK
I supose I could start a league from November to March and call it the Marsh Grueller league, but then TK would want to come and fish the

Yes please Davec - put me down for 'em Image



Monk Match Lake 2

Posted: March 3rd, 2009, 7:23 pm
by Dave C
You wouldnt like it TK. Our grueller weights would seem like summer bagging weights to you. Image Image

Just out of interest I had a look a last years Cashmores team weights..... Total for the whole club over the season 1914lb. Image

Marsh AC match at Rockells total weight for 6 hours 1991lb

But then we dont have Image Image to contend with. Image Image

Monk Match Lake 2

Posted: March 3rd, 2009, 8:54 pm
by TK
Marsh AC match at Rockells total weight for 6 hours 1991lb

That aint fishing..........................

it's trawling :D


Monk Match Lake 2

Posted: March 3rd, 2009, 11:05 pm
by Mugger
Just out of interest I had a look a last years Cashmores team weights..... Total for the whole club over the season 1914lb.  Image

Marsh AC match at Rockells total weight for 6 hours 1991lb

Be fair though Dave, we didn't have a full turn out, only 18 fished and the bottom weight was only 9lbs. :(

Monk Match Lake 2

Posted: March 4th, 2009, 2:13 pm
by Spamwham
as i recall last year tony you had the wind off your back as you were around peg 50  Image it was wily [terry] and me that had the white horses howling at us all day  Image Image

Just seein if you were awake Image

Monk Match Lake 2

Posted: March 4th, 2009, 2:26 pm
by Spamwham
Image Image Image

...and another thing Dave - you're using too many masturbating bananas in your posts. Maybe its time for you to learn some new tricks?

Image Image Image

Monk Match Lake 2

Posted: March 4th, 2009, 6:07 pm
by Dave C
I was just trying to liven things up a bit as its been a bit Image Image Image on here lately. I didnt use your smiley as I dont want to offend our female members that look in ;)
You never know they may object and you could get Image.

PS I have just had to go and edit your post as one of your smileys wasnt working. You must be getting on a bit now as you only managed to do it twice and failed the third time. Image

Monk Match Lake 2

Posted: March 5th, 2009, 8:48 pm
by Bill_G
tony smileys dont win matches mate ,but then again what you put in your keepnet dont win many matches either Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Monk Match Lake 2

Posted: March 18th, 2009, 12:46 am
by VinceG
Hi Dave,

If you have any space could I come along as a guest.

I'd love to join up and fish all the matches but just can't commit to too much more right now with Dad's health problems.

I'd be happy to fish Peg 45, I certainly wouldn't catch enough to win, so i could be employed as 'stopper' just like they used to have on big river matches years ago.


Monk Match Lake 2

Posted: March 20th, 2009, 3:28 pm
by Dave C
Looks like we could be full up for this one Vince. however you could still come along as a 'stopper' and fish peg 83.

That will also make Paul happy as he will then know he cant draw it.

Just a reminder for everyone.


Monk Match Lake 2

Posted: March 21st, 2009, 3:31 pm
by Dave C
Well its only 2 weeks to go now. Image Its warming up and the fish look like they are getting hungry. Image Image Image

Has anyone heard how its fishing lately, or are Tony Colin and myself going to be forced into taking a trip down there, while the rest of you are working, Image to gather the latest information for you. Image Image Image

Its amazing the sacrifices we have to make to help you lot. Tony and I even travelled all the way to Colemans last week just to pay the deposits for our matches there. Image

Monk Match Lake 2

Posted: March 21st, 2009, 8:40 pm
by Bill_G
dave have you been in touch with dave t yet and is he coming

Monk Match Lake 2

Posted: March 21st, 2009, 10:46 pm
by Dave C
I have not heard from him since his PM a couple of weeks ago. I dont want to push him too hard as he may have other things on his mind.

Do you or Simon have his phone number and could ring him as you have already met him. Never certain if he sees a PM.

Also worth a gentle reminder about a licence.

Monk Match Lake 2

Posted: March 24th, 2009, 12:43 am
by nomorelongwalks
Re- the phonecall the other night you can put me down(not literally Image)

Cheers Image