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cost of replacing tackle

Posted: February 20th, 2009, 1:19 pm
by carbonactive
the cost of replacing my fishing tackle i sold
just worked out the cost of replacing my tackle
just on my rods alone its going to cost about £1575
then around £280 on reels
then i will need a box which will be the new spacestation
which i thick are around the £350 and yes
before you ask the rods are carbon active plus luggage then i need all my bits and bobs fishing dont you just love it
i think i need to get some coaching coming in next year it will pay off i hope with coaching and doing my matches again

cost of replacing tackle

Posted: February 20th, 2009, 1:37 pm
What do you want me to do  :'( for you......

Dont think so..

We all make choices in life..

You choose to get rid of it and its your choice to replace it with exspensive stuff so why whine about it costing so much. ::)

cost of replacing tackle

Posted: February 20th, 2009, 1:40 pm
by carbonactive
i was just saying it dont really bother me that much i looked at a new motor bike that was going to cost me around 12,000 so i thought new tackle would be cheaper :)

cost of replacing tackle

Posted: February 20th, 2009, 4:24 pm
by mburgess
have the motorbike Mike Image Image

cost of replacing tackle

Posted: February 20th, 2009, 5:03 pm
by Dave C
i thought new tackle would be cheaper

Malc went for the cheapest tackle he could find and it STILL cost more than his car. Image Image Image

cost of replacing tackle

Posted: February 20th, 2009, 6:08 pm
To right a £200 rod wont get you from Wales to Rolfs but a £200 car will. :D :D

Dont think i can name any items in our house let alone fishing gear that is a "NAMED" item but what a surprise most is still made by the named companies and dont cost half the price. :D

Tackle or Fashion Tart i'll NEVER BE.
Image Image

cost of replacing tackle

Posted: February 20th, 2009, 6:48 pm
by carbonactive
i decide to upgrade on both the car and tackle
car is more for the wife as im not able to drive
on medical grounds me i will always be a tackle tart
i have just turned down the chance of buying a 11/13ft
carbon active feeder rod for £100 because its not
brand new i will not have all my stuff but i will have some
of it for drayton Image

cost of replacing tackle

Posted: February 21st, 2009, 10:40 pm
by Guest
the cost of replacing my fishing tackle i sold
just worked out the cost of replacing my tackle
just on my rods alone its going to cost about £1575
then around £280 on reels
then i will need a box which will be the new spacestation
which i thick are around the £350 and yes
before you ask the rods are carbon active plus luggage then i need all my bits and bobs fishing dont you just love it
i think i need to get some coaching coming in next year it will pay off i hope with coaching and doing my matches again

Having read quite alot of postings on the forum i notice on some of yours mike angling coach that you claim you are the best angler since Ivan marks and your next step would have been to fish for england.

So why didnt you?.

Now your posting how much it is going to cost you to replace the gear that got you to such a high level in angling because you sold it?.

Why sell it if it got you to the point of possibly fishing for england

Now having been in angling and taking part for over 35 years i find it odd that someone would sell their gear that gets you to such a high level in angling.

I just cant for the life of me see why you would sell the gear and now post telling us all how much its going to cost you to replace it.

The fishing equipment that you had must have ment nothing to you some anglers do have a connection with some items they own.

Could ask one thing what level coaching do you have?.
Is it PIAA or GIAA.Or WIAA level?.

Libra................ Image

cost of replacing tackle

Posted: February 21st, 2009, 10:59 pm
by Dave C
To right a £200 rod wont get you from Wales to Rolfs but a £200 car will.

Very true Malc but the car wont get you back home again except on the back of a breakdown wagon. Image Image Image

cost of replacing tackle

Posted: February 21st, 2009, 11:57 pm
by Mugger
To right a £200 rod wont get you from Wales to Rolfs but a £200 car will.

Very true Malc but the car wont get you back home again except on the back of a breakdown wagon. Image Image Image

Image Image Image PRICELESS DAVE. Image Image Image

cost of replacing tackle

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 1:03 am
But you forget i save £5.40 now every return trip on the wrecker as i dont have to pay the toll. :D :D :D

I definatley think there may be MORE wrecker returns this year than last year. Image ;)

cost of replacing tackle

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 1:07 am
by Guest
I take the £5.40 saving is the bridge toll that has to be paid to enter wales then... Image


cost of replacing tackle

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 2:45 am
Got it in 1 and of course it also save me the return cost of petrol which is around £20. :D

So well worth the £70 a year brakedown recovery charge as the saving mount up. :D

Trouble is the longest it took on 1 of my wrecker trips home was nearly 9 hours to get from Oxford to Merthyr... Image Image

But a saveing is a saveing. ;) Image

cost of replacing tackle

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 8:08 am
by Guest
That was a long trip back to wales then.

Nice to see a person who can even see the benefit of being stuck somewhere with a car that will not go Image

Oxford to merthyr in 9 hours thats a fair walk :)


cost of replacing tackle

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 1:10 pm
by carbonactive
libra you can say what you want but dont take the pee out of my coaching i only sold my stuff so i could get my car fixed because i have my wifes parents that are not well father in law in hospital with kidney failure and mother in law losing her mind thats the reason why i needed to sell my stuff my tackle meant alot to me but when you have little money you need do do thinks like selling stuff
Image Image Image Image Image Image

cost of replacing tackle

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 5:32 pm
by Guest
Firstly where have i taken the p out of your coaching?.

I simply asked the type of coaching as the caoching staff i have known are all level 2 except for 3 of them who are now in to their
other par

I asked a simple set of questions so wind your neck in.

Selling the gear for a reason is very hard thing to do, not that i would do it personally.

When money is the issue selling off items are the only option for many people sadly these days.

myself i just went and found another job to go with the two i already had at the time.

As the fistycuffs emoticons used at the end of your post i dont recommend those type of emoticons when replying to posts as they often get taken in the wrong way to so many people.

Are they ment to be taken in the gesture they give off may i ask you.

That is why i ues a simple easily known gesture of a friendly nature.

libra Image

cost of replacing tackle

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 6:34 pm
by carbonactive
ok sorry mate misread it im a level 2 coach i did with the paa
not that they are much help and didnt seem very fair plus the costs were really bad just to me a member plus if you did any shows it never paid for the time you put in did 3 days at the nec and broken even and lost out at the peterborough shop so i went solo :-[

cost of replacing tackle

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 8:05 pm
by Simple
I sold all my gear once.... Never again Image Image Image

cost of replacing tackle

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 9:11 pm
by carbonactive
never again will i sell my stuff i will sell body first for science

cost of replacing tackle

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 10:01 pm
by Guest
ok sorry mate misread it im a level 2 coach i did with the paa
not that they are much help and didnt  seem very fair plus the costs were really bad just to me a member plus if you did any shows it never paid for the time you put in did 3 days at the nec and broken even and lost out at the peterborough shop so i went solo :-[

Thats why i have noticed/found many coaches are now running their own webites and using this as their advertising board for their coaching talents to be seen and used by as many people as possibly.

Youth or junior clubs are always looking at coaches joining in with them as part of their clubs forward planning for the young anglers to improve their angling abilitys.

After all we all had our time its the younger generations turn now..

May have look into the drayton match,i cant email/PM as yet 15 post min i beleave mike ok...

Wont sell my gear its too old :D
