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Trent Masters Final

Posted: October 6th, 2015, 1:38 pm
by joffmiester
Hi boy's i'd like to start off with a few thank-yous as it's easy just to turn up and fish and take your chance .This series and the sensas Masters takes a longtime planning each consisted of 6 qualifying rounds . All rounds were well attended with up to 70 anglers on both venues which is a testament to all the organizers who have given there time to run these events natural venues are a real success story . Coors have spent a lot of time and money getting access to pegs with vertically no long walks something that is paramount for the older generation to keep fishing these venues . Myself and Brian Hull run the Sensas Soar Masters and the team from Coors AS and Wayne Swincoe run the Drennan/ Coors masters plus along the way the Coors lads have raised a lot of money for charity .So from everyone who has taken part in every round it's a massive thank-you and lets not forget without your support as anglers these competitions wouldn't of been the success they have been this year Plus AMASSIVE THANK-YOU to Drennan for sponsoring the final with Tackle :tiphat :tiphat :tiphat
Well what can i say about the fishing over the past few weeks i've enjoyed my fishing on two completely different venues yet fishing against 80% of the same anglers. This alone has brought everyone's standards of fishing up to the top level where else can you mix with International anglers week in week out . Different styles winning different rounds wagglers, stick float, pole ,Bolo and feeder . Both venues have been harder this year but hasn't everywhere with the lack of rain species of fish anything can happen "ain't fishing Great" I love that saying as you just don't know whats going to happen .
Sunday 40 of the best river anglers took part and believe me it wasn't easy to qualify for either event so when the draw started i was first in the bag . This is something i never do but i couldn't hang around listerning to who had the normal fliers so i had my peg No1 ferry bridge with little form all year i had to sit a while on the peg and make a plan .
two waggler rods 2AA and 4AA one light with 0.8 to a 22s and the other 0.10 to 18s the only other thing i set up was a chopped worm rig as around 5 metres was the deepest part of my peg and in the past a few perch had come off it . after setting up i took a short walk to see who was in the section as i honestly thought that's what i was fishing for . Mind you seeing Sean Ashby on the ferry bridge even a section would be hard . Back on my peg i started the match on the lighter waggler but after 20 minutes and no bites i almost picked the chopped worm rig up still i decided not too. what i did do is upped my feed i had nothing to loose and within five runs down it was like a switch being turned on the next ten or twenty casts resulted in a bumped fish missed bite or a fish . It was clear at this point i hadn't got it quite right so a quick depth chance and the odd shot move i was soon into a fish a cast . half way through things were really good until someone launched a stick into the middle of the river quickly followed by dog pretty much killed my peg with only the odd bite down the peg . I sat there thinking what to do had a drink and sat for 10 minutes just feeding . Again i nearly picked the chopped worm rig up but never did instead i picked the heavier waggler up . this time i stared to get bites but again the odd fish was coming off so i didn't waste too much time before i changed to a 22s this changed the whole catching mode once again . After this short break of only feeding the big difference this time i had more roach in the peg and must of put 3lb of quality roach in the net in the last half hour and finished with a cracking net of 22lb 1oz and the title Trent Master :cheerleader
Sean Ashby 2nd 19lb 4oz