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Certain few let the sport down again

Posted: April 16th, 2015, 10:43 am
by joffmiester
I'm not one to print every moan and niggle we get as Organizers but i'm afraid this complaint has gone right to the top . Brian and myself have been notified by the powers above that we have a good chance of loosing the right to hold fishing competitions on loughborough canal . We have spent a good part of this week trying to apologize and sort this compliant out . Brian and myself are a little shell shocked at the degree this has had and also fully understand why the complaint has been made . I would like to share this complaint with you as often this is something every angler takes for granted while fishing . With all urban canal competitions we are surrounded by residents children and other towpath user's plus boaters . we also have to behave in the right manor while we are
representing our sport . we my not like it but i'm afraid if you want competitions to continue on this venue we have to change .
This is a copy of the complaint BELOW this gentlemen has every right to complain

Last Sunday on the Canal Pairs   
I'm not sure if you can help me, I wish to discuss the conduct of the people undertaking a fishing match on the GU canal through Loughborough last Sunday. I'm
not sure that your organisation was responsible for this fishing match – if not I would be grateful if you could help with some contacts?

GentlemanMy house backs onto the canal near to "The Boat" pub (Meadow Lane) in Loughborough, I was working in my garden for most of Sunday and was upset by the
continual swearing by the fishermen on the other bank. Being 20 metres apart the gentlemen had to express their opinions on the days catch at the top of their
voices (such that their adjacent colleagues could hear them). The "F" word was used liberally and on occasion the "C" word was added for effect. This continued
pretty much on and off all day.

This is a public area, children walk the tow path and play in the gardens, the whole site of the fishing match is open to the public or has housing next to it. I'm
sure that many of the people involved in the match had children or grandchildren – I would hope that if these kids returned home to tell their mothers that the
fishing today was "f****ing Sh*t", they would get a slap (I certainly would have).

This happens pretty much any time a match is taking place, so I've decided to see if something can be done. I'm not a prude and am not immune to using the
odd word myself, but not in public at the top of my voice whilst representing a club or my sport.finish

This is the Email Brian and myself received in response to this complaint

powers above Having read the complaint from the resident at Loughborough, and if this is found to be correct, I am appalled at the behaviour of the anglers at this location. I
do hope that you take this complaint seriously and I need you to look into the complaint and deal with this inappropriate behaviour and provide me with some
reassurances that it will not be repeated.

However, as a result of this behaviour, I will not allow any further events from this group/organisation until I receive some confidence that the individuals are
spoken to and challenged.

I look forward to hearing the outcome of your investigation finish

Last year we had to deal with numerous complaints on the river and the canal
Cars driving over fields were they shouldn't nearly costing us the parking rights
Poles over Garden fences
abuse towards Boaters
all these complaints are dealt with by either Brian or myself while fish the competitions and go home thing no more about there actions

It's a crying shame i've had to print this but we need to get the word across or we won't have any angling left in the area

please help us continue to run competitions by helping yourselves and others      

Certain few let the sport down again

Posted: April 16th, 2015, 12:26 pm
by bill yards
I fished that match, - I was on A25.

I didn't hear anything but firstly, like all complaints the anglers nearby have to approached to make certain it is all factual.
It was over a couple of incidents of 'bad mouthing' that I stopped running matches after many years of doing so.

Nobody likes to receive complaints, least of all the controlling clubs, the hosts of the match, sponsors of the match and the match organiser. In this case as it is a 'written complaint' action certainly has to be taken. If found to be factual the 'anglers' concerned should really sort the whole problem out themselves and not leave anyone else to do it.

If this fails to bring a response there is such a phrase as 'punishment to suit the crime'. If these 'anglers' are sponsored the actual sponsors will get to know about it anyway and they will take the necessary action which could well effect any teams the said 'anglers' are involved with too.
This is all dependent of the truth coming out of course but if sponsorship is involved (I haven't a clue if it is or not) that is already in jeopardy as these sites are well read.

There is a lot of other action that doesn't bear thinking about but let us hope whoever is involved takes the sensible approach to repair the obvious damage that has been caused, for the sake of match fishing in the Loughborough area. There is just far too much to lose here.

Certain few let the sport down again

Posted: April 16th, 2015, 2:13 pm
by MrV
Shocking Joffie, and showing total disrespect for local communities, you guys as organisers, as well as tarnishing the name of angling. Should be easy enough to find out who they were by using google maps mate. I would then let the culprits know they will not be welcome on any matches you guys run, unless they personally write to the complainant and your good selves apologising for their behaviour.
Probably very few anglers that don't cuss occasionally on a match for one reason or another, but to carry out a 5 hour cursing session between anglers is ridiculous in an area where the public and householders are so obviously within hearing distance.
Good on yer for making us all aware of this. Name and Shame I say :thumsup

Certain few let the sport down again

Posted: April 16th, 2015, 3:42 pm
by joffmiester
The last thing i want is to ban any competitor apology would be a good start Brian and myself want to compete in our competitions not police everyone's every move . As long as we are all aware of our behavior in the future the gentleman concerned has decided enough is enough and not for one minute would he want to see a complete ban on angling on the canal . Just some civil respect in his back garden on a sunday