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If we can't get it ban it

Posted: September 7th, 2014, 8:19 pm
by sven
Heard a story today about a certain team wants to ban other teams from useing english joker in there winter league.what a joke.

If we can't get it ban it

Posted: September 7th, 2014, 10:19 pm
by Ian_baker
What league is that Sven??In some ways I can understand. It's not something you could police anyway but I know last year the joker I had just buried straight into the silt where the English dances around. So yes it would make it a level playing field. Though I can't see people being able to get as much joker in future with all the sewages/streams being cleaned up.

If we can't get it ban it

Posted: September 8th, 2014, 8:42 am
by joffmiester
You have to be very careful here yes there are a few that can supply English joke . Not sure on the quantities they can get but what i would say is if the likes of Sam Wildsmith dose'nt get the Orders he needs to make the trip two and from Europe we all might suffer in the future and could fine the baits Banned all to gether !!!!

If we can't get it ban it

Posted: September 8th, 2014, 4:55 pm
by sven
It does not make a difference to me wether its banned or not what makes me laugh is how you police something like that in the first place what next ban maggots from wales or squatts from scotland i won't say the league that the team is in, but even if this team had english joker they still would not beat the team that win this league every year because they are'nt good enough its as simple as that. When i fished in the same league for a number of years with my team we had other issuses from this same team aload of arseholes.

If we can't get it ban it

Posted: September 8th, 2014, 5:09 pm
by MrV
Trouble today is nobody is prepared to get their own. Years ago, most tackle shops round here were supplied by Pete Wagstaff, but when Pete stopped doing it, we went out and sourced our own. Its like Joff says, a lot of sewage outlets have been cleaned up and it is difficult to find. However, I believe if people will put the effort in to find, scrape and prepare their own joker, why should it be banned :-/ Me and Tricast collect our own through the winter for the sake of an hours work!! Its wide open to debate, and even more to bending of the rules. Lets say for example you take English joker to this league, wrapped in Polish newspaper (readily obtainable from most truck stops) how the hell would anybody know the difference. Like you say, policing it would be a mare. A joker is a joker (unless its the joker who proposed banning it) :rofl :rofl

If we can't get it ban it

Posted: September 8th, 2014, 5:33 pm
by Dodge
I used to love fishing b/worm & joker , used to have the best supplier of English stuff in the game :thumsup he was also my team mate for a good number of years :thumsup I haven't used the bait for around 3 years now and can honestly say I haven't missed using it one bit :tiphat

If we can't get it ban it

Posted: September 9th, 2014, 8:43 am
by a_foster
this is our league (Warwickshire), seems silly to me as I don't know how it can be enforced
these sort of bans won,t help team fishing as there are several anglers on about not fishing the league now

If we can't get it ban it

Posted: September 9th, 2014, 10:52 am
by bill yards
Surely this is a wind up.

It's like saying you must use Warburtons instead of any other brand of bread.

It's like saying you must use one particular maggot breeders bait.

If a tackle supplier (shop etc) finds a source of baits from anywhere in the world why shouldn't he sell them whatever it is?

Load of man balls

If we can't get it ban it

Posted: September 9th, 2014, 3:49 pm
by joffmiester
i can supply any out of date bread :thumsup

If we can't get it ban it

Posted: September 9th, 2014, 6:01 pm
by daveyboy
Surely this is a wind up.

It's like saying you must use Warburtons instead of any other brand of bread.

It's like saying you must use one particular maggot breeders bait.

If a tackle supplier (shop etc) finds a source of baits from anywhere in the world why shouldn't he sell them whatever it is?

Load of man balls

I agree 100% Bill

If we can't get it ban it

Posted: September 9th, 2014, 6:54 pm
by Markus
There is a simple solution. Ask them a question and when they give answer in english instead of russian ban them...
Such an crazy idea. In germany it´s not allowed to collect joker and not very effective (because of the clear water). So we always buy russian, polish or french joker.
BTW: If you have ever seen joker in russia you really will be shocked which quality they can get and what rubbish we get.

If we can't get it ban it

Posted: September 12th, 2014, 9:06 pm
by choppymaster
IMHO. English joker is so hard to come by now due to the fact that most of our sewage plants have been chemicalised. The outflow streams now I just to clean. A very good mate of mine used to collect English joker for our matches on the wyrley every year.( and damn good it was too) but even he says that finding an outflow streams with any yield now is virtually impossible. Add to that the damage that joker does do a venue ie supposed fish preoccupation plus the fact that immature fish are being caught and don't get over the trauma of being hooked. Personally I think joker should be banned completely! Outright! To me sticking a kilo of joker in 4 kilo of groundbait to catch 5lb of fish in any match let alone internationals or anything else is pretty wrong really. As has been said earlier in the thread there's plenty of alternatives. Use em! Sort the anglers out from the boys that 1 can afford vast quantities of the shite and 2. That can show some real skill in catching fish just my opinion I'm probably wrong :tiphat

If we can't get it ban it

Posted: September 15th, 2014, 10:08 pm
by colly
This is a difficult one and it is frustrating when as a team you feel like you are up against it before you even wet a line. I had this a couple of years ago when I was fishing with Blackhorse in the London WL on the Slough Arm. We could only get Russian Joker and it was obvious from the results who had Russian and who had English/Polish joker with several of our lads getting more than doubled off the next peg as the roach fed freely. However how can you punish a team who are prepared to put the time and effort in to scraping their own bait?

With joker being more and more difficult to get hold I can see very limited scope for canal/ joker matches beyond the next few years and I felt that was one of the reasons why the London WL folded last year.

I still like fishing the bait, but personally I've enjoyed my winter canal fishing and caught a lot more fish since moving away from worm and joker matches several years ago