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Posted: June 12th, 2014, 9:31 am
by bill yards
Well, loads of anglers will be relieved that the closed season is almost over. Great news and let's sit back and take stock on what it has achieved.

A couple of more tackle shops have gone to the wall and many more are struggling due to added lack of business.

The bank of rivers and in some cases the rivers themselves are completely overgrown. hardly a good advert to bring people into fishing, especially the river scene.

Oh yes. I nearly forgot, for the last three months a part of our community have been fed well with free meals, - all of course coming from our rivers.

That, to me anyway, is about what the closed season has achieved.

My comments are sarcastic, they are meant to be but they is a massive element of truth there. At the end of the day nobody is forced to go fishing any time, any day.

The Closed Season is nothing but a FARCE. I have listened to all sorts of crap as why anglers should have a closed season on rivers. A lot of this reasoning and comments has come from people well up the ladder, so to speak. How do these people know their reasons are the best ones, unless they 'practise what they preach????? Maybe they actually fish in the Closed Season!


Posted: June 12th, 2014, 12:16 pm
by joffmiester
No point whatsoever IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON how many natural anglers have i seen just walking the canal and river this week all busting to get on the rivers . A topic similar to this was on facebook it had at least a 200 comments so it shows what a big issue it is Image


Posted: June 13th, 2014, 8:43 am
by daveyboy
What makes me laugh at the close season, I can drive to the stainy and fish all year round, ok it's land locked the fossedyke has a closed season, can anyone answer this question, does the wildlife not not need a break on land locked canals?,


Posted: June 13th, 2014, 11:01 am
by sharki
the real 6 million dollar question who are the people that have the powers to actually do away with outdated closed season. its these people that need lobbying or petitioning because with the power of the web and social media as it is today we need to get it sorted asap !!!!!rant over . Image Image


Posted: June 13th, 2014, 9:05 pm
by Steveswindon
Feel for you guys who focus on rivers...why should you pay for 3 months off!
Seems like the environmental rationale for a close season is diminishing and it is accepted that spawning rarely coincides with the close.
For me I don't fish quite as much as I used to, so not every week, and whilst I don't really like commercials, especially the little carp pools, suppose everyone does have access to some fishing all year round.
Agree with the earlier posts though...crazy that canals can be open but drains etc stay shut. Seems to divide opinion within angling so can't see things changing soon though.