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Ryecroft fisheries silverfish match

Posted: December 2nd, 2013, 4:46 pm
by leeben1
thought I got paid out for 3rd aswell andy :-/

Ryecroft fisheries silverfish match

Posted: December 2nd, 2013, 4:51 pm
by craftytafty
yeah, sorry, Brooksy kept the sheet for the results for the papers so I was not sure, i'll change it.

Ryecroft fisheries silverfish match

Posted: December 2nd, 2013, 5:15 pm
by joffmiester
WEIGHTS ARE STILL GOOD Tafty everywhere is changing packington was hard again yesterday managed a section win with 5lb 6oz of waggler caught hand size skimmers really enjoyed it but even still had some pesky F1s upto 4lb Image Image Image good fun though

Ryecroft fisheries silverfish match

Posted: December 5th, 2013, 9:19 am
by craftytafty
Hard match yesterday on Donno, not many skimmers caught, maybe down to flat calm on the pegs we were on, the water going really clear, don't know.
Everyone caught though.

Jt 1st John Eccles
Andy Taft 9lb 14oz
3rd Roger Marlow 6lb 13oz
4th Mick Cobb 6lb 9oz
5th Charlie Shaw4lb 14oz

John caught all his fish on the wag and mag around 20m out, all roach between 4oz and 8oz.

I had 2 bream for 4lb long on the pole and 6lb of roach at 8m on mag and caster.

Roger had mostly roach and a couple of skimmers long on maggot and caster over gbait.
Mick caught a few skimmers to a pound plus a few roach , while Charlie had 3 skimmers for his 4lb 14oz.

Everyone said that when they refed it either killed their peg or they had to leave it for a while to rest it before going back on it. Once I'd refed the first time I could never catch more than a couple before it died again. Still it's the first time we've been on it in a couple of years so we may need to sort it out again.

We're going on the old canal next week, but definitely go back on Donno soon.

Ryecroft fisheries silverfish match

Posted: December 5th, 2013, 9:52 am
by joffmiester
Starting to look like your running a vets series tafty on a wednesday  Image Image Image Image Image Image

Ryecroft fisheries silverfish match

Posted: December 5th, 2013, 12:58 pm
by craftytafty
I know, I think I was the youngest and I'm 52 Image Image Image Image

Bout time we saw you again Joff.

Be nice to see a few more youngsters on the matches. We get a few on Saturdays, which is good, shame there aint more tho.

Ryecroft fisheries silverfish match

Posted: December 5th, 2013, 1:13 pm
by joffmiester
Yes i want another go for sure Tafty but with one thing and another we are looking at after christmas as the shop is getting busy and my good old mum needs TLC

Ryecroft fisheries silverfish match

Posted: December 5th, 2013, 1:36 pm
by craftytafty
no worries, just let me know whenever you want to fish.

Ryecroft fisheries silverfish match

Posted: December 5th, 2013, 1:43 pm
by joffmiester
CHEERS PAL Image lots going on at the minute Tafty Image

Ryecroft fisheries silverfish match

Posted: December 9th, 2013, 4:45 pm
by craftytafty
Saturdays results on the Carp Lake

1st John Eccles 12lb 7oz Peg 15
2nd Matt Parkin 12lb 2oz Peg 10
3rd Dean Guest 11lb 9oz Peg 2
4th Bill Rutherford 9lb 7oz Peg21
5th Tony Scott 7lb 8oz Peg 8
6th Andy Taft 6lb 8oz Peg 13

John had a few roach on the wag plus some late fish at 6m( including a 3lb bream on the whistle)
Matt caught roach, perch plus a few small skimmers at 6 and 12m and had a bonus 4lb tench in his catch

I had a nightmare of a day, started off by breaking my No 7 section, which racked me right off, I've done nowt but break sections since I had the pole Image Image Image Image, my heart wasn't really in it after that and also ended up going up my own jacksey again with too many lines and also lost 3 big billys.

decent match again though, everyone caught.

we're going on the Old Canal this Wednesday to see what it's like, there are lots of silvers in it so we'll see.

Ryecroft fisheries silverfish match

Posted: December 10th, 2013, 9:03 pm
Andy, is there one this saturday Mate and if so which lake is it on pal. Feel like getting me kit out !!!!!!!

Ryecroft fisheries silverfish match

Posted: December 10th, 2013, 9:06 pm
by craftytafty
yes mate, it's on the Carp lake ( the one you've fished before)

Let me know if you want to fish and I'll tell Brooksy in the morning.

Ryecroft fisheries silverfish match

Posted: December 11th, 2013, 8:39 pm
Andy, sorry for the late reply as been stuck at work ! could You book me in please Mate. Many thanks.

Ryecroft fisheries silverfish match

Posted: December 11th, 2013, 9:14 pm
by craftytafty
yep, sorted mate. if you're struggling i'll mix your gbait lolol Image Image Image
see u satday

Ryecroft fisheries silverfish match

Posted: December 11th, 2013, 9:26 pm
Thanks Pal, I'll bring me big wooden spoon then if I'm having that mix ! Then again there is a plant hire firm up the road.

Ryecroft fisheries silverfish match

Posted: December 13th, 2013, 8:56 am
by craftytafty
results from Wednesdays match.

We tried the Old Canal this week and I was surprised how good it was .

1st Rich Bonson Peg 13 22lb 2oz
Mostly skimmers to a 1lb with a few roach on Maggot

2nd Les Moody Peg 3 14lb
2 chub, 8 skimmers plus roach on worm and maggot

3rd Bill Rutherford Peg 9 13lb 14oz
Skimmers plus a few Roach on worm

4th Andy Taft Peg5 9lb
4 skimmers plus around 6lb of roach on Maggot and Pinkie over gbait.