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Stainy Angling winter league

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:04 pm
by chub_tamer
might make u try abit harder too Image Image Image Image Image

Stainy Angling winter league

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:05 pm
by chub_tamer
not doing it week by week but on the overall I can handicap it Image Image Image Image Image

Stainy Angling winter league

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:06 pm
by big_cup
its only fair to make those at the bottom have a chance of winning the overall money  Image

Its not fair at all, spend time money and effort, reap the benefits its simple. If I am handicapped I wont be paying same fee, that's how odds work slim Image Image

Besides, more anglers, more bad pegs, stronger pairs, completely different to last year Image Image

Stainy Angling winter league

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:08 pm
by big_cup
not doing it week by week but on the overall I can handicap it  Image Image Image Image Image

Like I said 3 times but once more so you know, I aint having no handicap, they can spend some pennies, put some effort in and go anf fish venues and learn, that's what I have to do, why shouldn't they??? Image Image Image

Stainy Angling winter league

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:10 pm
by chub_tamer
theres you and steve me and mick matty and savo sned and john della and daz
there going to be top in the overall whatever
so why carnt we give the others a chance to win some money Image Image its only fair
if we carnt give trig and kev spam and steve 25pts start then we don't deserve to win owt do we

Stainy Angling winter league

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:12 pm
by big_cup
theres  you and steve me and mick matty and savo sned and john della and daz
there going to be top in the overall whatever
so why carnt we give the others a chance to win some money Image Image its only fair
if we carnt give trig and kev spam and steve 25pts start then we don't deserve to win owt do we

crappity smack off is all your getting Image Image

Stainy Angling winter league

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:13 pm
by chub_tamer
grow some bollocx and take the challenge on Image
were going 12pts for winning this year 1 for last
25pts over 8 results is nothing look at yr book
then we can handicap the others inbetween

Stainy Angling winter league

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:14 pm
by chub_tamer
your a penny pinching twat rise to the challenge don't crawl in yr hole Image Image Image Image

Stainy Angling winter league

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:18 pm
by big_cup
your a penny pinching twat rise to the challenge don't crawl in yr hole Image Image Image Image

What makes me any better than the next angler ( or worse before yu start )?? Putting effort in or a good draw or combination of both. I don't want my efforts levelling out because somebody carnt be bothered to work at a way of catching fish and why should I?? Do the angling trust put 100 pts on Barnsley, Starlets, etc to even the field because there anglers put more time into the sport?? Do they crappity smack so neither are you sill man balls Image

Stainy Angling winter league

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:19 pm
by chub_tamer
lh sj off levels
mp mg levels
sned jw levels
daz deller levels
mat savo levels
dan jim levels
kj trig +25
spam steve +25
andy andy +10
woga Watson +10
nidge nidge +20
cotto andy +20
pretty fair I think x :-*

Stainy Angling winter league

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:20 pm
by big_cup
grow some bollocx and take the challenge on  Image
were going 12pts for winning this year 1 for last
25pts over 8 results is nothing look at yr book
then we can handicap the others inbetween

Like I said, a lot more bad pegs in this year, cant be judged on previous years, and even if it could I really don't give a crappity smack, if they put the effort in and try harder it will be a good close match wont it?? Image

Stainy Angling winter league

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:21 pm
by big_cup
lh sj off levels
mp mg  levels
sned jw  levels
daz deller  levels
mat savo  levels
dan jim levels
kj trig  +25
spam steve +25
andy andy +10
woga Watson +10
nidge nidge +20
cotto andy +20
pretty fair I think x  :-*

Suck my dick.

Any pair who has a div 1 angler in deserves crappity smack all Image Image

Stainy Angling winter league

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:23 pm
by chub_tamer
u know like I do they could be there all week and still not compete :o

back yr abliaty and embrace the challenge Image Image

u win enough through the w/l its just the overall Image

or are u Image Image Image Image Image

Stainy Angling winter league

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:25 pm
by chub_tamer
yr always onabout yr book put the results on here so we can see the final scores on the doors for the last 2 years Image Image Image Image

Stainy Angling winter league

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:26 pm
by big_cup
u know like I do they could be there all week and still not compete  :o

back yr abliaty and embrace the challenge  Image Image

u win enough through the w/l its just the overall  Image

or are u  Image Image Image Image Image

I'll always back my ability, but what am I backing???? Giving myself a harder task to win the same?? Your a betting man so you aint ever going to sell me those odds silly man balls Image Image Image

Stainy Angling winter league

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:28 pm
by big_cup
yr always onabout yr book put the results on here so we can see the final scores on the doors for the last 2 years  Image Image Image Image

Never mind the book, its floored, more in it this year, people not fishing last year etc how can you count results where people either didn't fish or crappity smack off through match?? :-/ :-/

Stainy Angling winter league

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:31 pm
by chub_tamer
just put them up Image

u know some canrt win why not give them a chance Image

put the individual scores up Image

Stainy Angling winter league

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:33 pm
by chub_tamer
kerrmit has no backbone Image Image Image Image Image

spineless Image Image Image Image Image Image

grow some B O L L O C K S

Image Image Image Image Image Image

Stainy Angling winter league

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:34 pm
by big_cup
just put them up  Image

u know some canrt win why not give them a chance  Image

put the individual scores up  Image

You talk sh!t tamer. Why not all the time then?? Tell you what as I have won it for last 3 years why not make me fish 3 hours and I can only use one arm??? You silly William the Conquerer Image Image

Stainy Angling winter league

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:36 pm
by chub_tamer
IF u carnt give 25pts to those then u don't deserve to win it should be 50 Image