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More Bites??

Posted: February 1st, 2007, 5:00 pm
by Simple
im glad you are enjoying my presence on these websites, i am relatively good at computers and i may ask barbara to join up tonight on the [highlight]labtop[/highlight], let her start some mind games before the big event on saturday.

Just gotta work on your spelling then, unless a labtop is some new fancy computer lol Image

More Bites??

Posted: February 1st, 2007, 6:53 pm
by TK
im glad you are enjoying my presence on these websites, i am relatively good at computers and i may ask barbara to join up tonight on the labtop, let her start some mind games before the big event on saturday.

I'm so glad I declined your offer of a wager from you and Barb on Sat so I can let those mind games of hers go sailing straight over my head tonight. :P

I'll settle for your prediction on Sat.....3lb 2oz means good points Image

ps........just the faintest smear of mustard on my brawn.......ta Image

More Bites??

Posted: February 2nd, 2007, 9:06 am
by Guest
its great being at work before the gaffer gets in. I have a free reign. i was dreaming last night of what's gonna happen. Here is my dream guys

4am, me and barbara wake up hot and sweaty, and begin preparing our bait, our confidence is supreme(cheers to mel in the offices for the right words there) barbara then makes the sandwiches freshly, we pack our tackle away in the maxi and drop the kids off at my ex wife's house. A brief but sad nasty jealous exchange between barbara and lucinda does not spoil the enthusiastic mood(thanks again mel).we turn up early to find no one there, slightly worried me and barbara have a mini row, then salvation, tk turns up in his rover metro followed by simon is his convertible and ha ha in his 'red van'.zorro then appears on his horse fully masked up before heinze turns up full of beans. we all embrace in a group hug, like i used to at the outpatients,then the horny monk turns up out of the blue.then the draw. i draw well in this dream as does barbara,monk is not allowed to fish and chucks bricks at ha ha. flavoured bread is the answer, chub after chub, barbara is catching tench on the worm and joker, 2lb a chuck. It starts to rain and barbara is wearing a white blouse, to my dismay stanaway and other perverts gather round for a sneak preview.The rain stops and i get the odd chub on the floating dog biscuit and 3 big chub off the wasp grub.The weigh in sees us storm it, me first with 23lb and barbara 2nd with 13lb. The sandwiches were a success and now happy family can go home all excited for next saturday.Shame the monk let down most of the tyres on the car park.


More Bites??

Posted: February 2nd, 2007, 2:44 pm
if zorro was there he'd whip the monk's head off with one swipe of his samurai.Knew the sandwiches had to mentioned somewhere in this account.......... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

More Bites??

Posted: February 2nd, 2007, 4:18 pm
by Guest
Would he really yamo.yeah right ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Whilst im on i would like this opportunity to open and question and answer session, anyone with any fishing related questions please ask, i will attempt to share my expertise and wealth of knowledge and hopefully make some of you gruller crew better fishermen. I will not answer any questions about barbara, our sex life or our private life. However if anyone wishes to discuss fishing or their sandwich orders for tomorrow bring it on. Whilst im on the subject, anyone else for sandwiches?

More Bites??

Posted: February 2nd, 2007, 4:28 pm
by TK
Hi Hoddy - can I change my order to a double brawn sarnie, with just a slight touch of mustard between the two slices of brawn. Sorry to mess Barb about

More Bites??

Posted: February 2nd, 2007, 4:40 pm
by Guest
you are a pain tk. yes ill ask her, but if she is angry with you tomorrow dont blame me. Are you coming now then, i thought you had an injury?

More Bites??

Posted: February 2nd, 2007, 4:49 pm
by TK
I'll be there about 10.30am - only to watch cuss of the injury - the chub should just be starting to get into a frenzy on the loose fed wasp grub across on the porcupine quill waggler Image

More Bites??

Posted: February 2nd, 2007, 4:53 pm
by Guest
interesting you should mention the quill wagglers, that is what barbara will be using. she also has some home made ones that you may be interested in buying off her at excellent value for money prices.

More Bites??

Posted: February 6th, 2007, 10:31 am
by Guest
anyone interested in this homemade quill wagglers and any sandwich bookings?

the floats


More Bites??

Posted: February 6th, 2007, 10:32 am
by Guest
3 quid a float, order now we aint got many left and have sold loads of these they are very me