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Curse match 15 2013 - A dram or two in it.........

Posted: November 7th, 2013, 6:28 pm
by TK
I really fancied the pegs the other side of the bridge on the boats, but oh, how wrong could I have been

Me too MrV - they are usually good for a few fish. In fact the first time Cashmores pegged it that way a few years ago, those first half dozen pegs dominated the club match

By the way - those couple of windy pictures above were taken before it got worse Image

Curse match 15 2013 - A dram or two in it.........

Posted: November 7th, 2013, 10:28 pm
by Blues
By the way - those couple of windy pictures above were taken before it got worse   

Your right there Tk
it took until Wednesday before the wind burn on my face subsided :)

mind you Big Baz on the next peg kept me amused for 5 hrs as he fought of the pike attacking he's net, swans up ending and eating his primed castor line  Image then the barking dog on the boat opposite Image Image

even Baz saw the funny side

After all that his peg was still solid but to windy to get at them Image

Curse match 15 2013 - A dram or two in it.........

Posted: November 11th, 2013, 8:10 pm
by TK
It's official............... Image Image Image

KOD's crap at knocking out them result sheets - he couldnt find the one point he needed Image

Final table reads

YAMO 366
KOD 365

Well done Yamo on the come back Image

Tough luck KOD - I know that final venue wasn't your favorite and the draw didnt help on the day, plus some jammy bugger had a lb stripey that scuppered your final tally Image

Curse match 15 2013 - A dram or two in it.........

Posted: November 12th, 2013, 10:41 am
by joffmiester
great write up again love it good to see MrV back on the bank 5lb of roach off any canal is a pleasure well done to Yamo nice wedge in the back pocket
that section looks like it should be solid with fish Image

Curse match 15 2013 - A dram or two in it.........

Posted: November 12th, 2013, 5:34 pm
by TK
that section looks like it should be solid with fish

After all that hes (Big Baz) peg was still solid but to windy to get at them