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Grueller match 9 results

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 12:01 pm
by Simple
Pictures can be found HERE

Excellent report Tony as usual.
After seeing my peg I thought I was gonna have a pleasant day catching a few fish and I was right. I had  5 roach , 3 chub, 2 bleak and a perch, oh and about 10 minnows.

Well done to Drynet, great weight  Image

[edit]How come I had to weigh in :D [/edit]

Grueller match 9 results

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 12:57 pm
by me
nice write up tk. them are the biggest fish ratty as ever caught. He usally only catches eyes. At least thyese had tails

Grueller match 9 results

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 3:54 pm
by MrV
Well, my last match with you guys turned out to be a disappointment, results wise, anyway.  :(
I had a half decent draw on peg 7, which is a reasonable peg for Roach.
Just set up two rigs, one for the track, which was about 2ft 6inches deep, and one for over, which was about a foot deep (too shallow for my liking, but fancied a few Roach off it late on.)
After an hour, all I could muster was half a dozen tiny Roach, mainly form over. Then, it was like someone turned a switch on, and in the next twenty minutes, had the majority of my fish, which included a decent stripey among a few Roach.  ;)
For the last couple of hours, i could only muster afew more smaller Roach. With hindsight, I think I tried to fish too light down the track, which was pulling quite hard.  Image
Never mind, i enjoyed the fishing, and the weather wasnt as bad as expected  :)
Thanks for all the Good wishes at the end of the match. I will keep in touch, I promise. It will be easier and safer to take the P**s from 200 miles away.  Image

Grueller match 9 results

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 6:31 pm
by frank
some decent roach and proper billeys there lads
and lee must have had sweat on catching that many

Grueller match 9 results

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 6:37 pm
by Simple
I ain't got a report really as I didn't catch much :D

But after I couldn't catch on anything else the Punch saved my wobbly cheeks Image
Maggot and pinkie was only catching me minnows, caster didn't even get me a bite.
I could hear Drynets pole going back and forth so I knew he was catching.

Great company and like already said the weather was great. The sun was in my eyes all morning and kept me nice and warm. No wind also!!

Looking forward to the last Grueller match this year Image

Grueller match 9 results

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 6:38 pm
by Dave C
Good report as usual TK. Im just glad I was sitting at home in the warm.

Grueller match 9 results

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 7:22 pm
by Gem
Good reports so far chaps Image

Your all stupidly brave in this weather! ;)

Hope Grueller Match 10 is better for all :)

Grueller match 9 results

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 8:07 pm
by Drynet
How come I had to weigh in   :D [/edit]

Image Image

Grueller match 9 results

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 8:08 pm
by TK
Come on Drynet tell us all how you fished it and walked it............

Interesting that you did 6lb of Kinvers, whilst Gerry did 6lb of mainly silvers last time off that peg

Grueller match 9 results

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 8:09 pm
by Simple
Aye the scales were on your peg Image
Not only did you thrash me :-[ I had to weigh in for you too :D

Grueller match 9 results

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 9:21 pm
by Drynet
The day started of bad when plumbing up the rig it dropped off and disappeared :'( fished choppie rig 1 on the left across the other side about 2ft from the bridge which was about 2ft deep. Rig 2 also choppie 8 metres to my right in the middle around 3ft deep. Rig 3 maggot & caster over hemp was further down past rig 2 close to the metal fence/guard thing.Fed the hemp seed first then the 2 choppie lines, started with white maggot over the hemp and started catching small roach, gudgeon and chublets almost instantly. After 30 Min's i had a small perch which prompted me to go straight to the choppie line on my right from then it was almost a bite every put in. When i did fail to get a bite after a few Min's i fed a small bit of choppie then switched to the choppie line by the bridge and did the same here and repeated for the remainder of the match. I had some trouble hooking fish at one point which turned out to be a blunt hook ::) also pulled out a few fish to Image put this down to the fish not taking all the worm, trouble is leave the bite to long and perch take it right down the tail :( one small perch jumped of the hook and landed head first in hemp seed tub and just froze there with tail sticking out :D :D . The pike took the worm has i shipped the pole back, he behaved himself though and came more or less straight in. As Si said weather was pretty decent really with the sun in my eyes most of the 4 hours.

Back down to earth today fished 5 hours without a single bite :'( :'(

Grueller match 9 results

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 9:24 pm
by Drynet
Aye the scales were on your peg  Image
Not only did you thrash me  :-[ I had to weigh in for you too   :D

Thanks for that mate you'll have to show me how to use them one of the days. Image

Grueller match 9 results

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 9:26 pm
by TK
Back down to earth today fished 5 hours without a single bite  :'( :'(

Where was today's grueller then?

Grueller match 9 results

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 9:32 pm
by Drynet
Back down to earth today fished 5 hours without a single bite  :'( :'(

Where was today's grueller then?

That syndicate pool in Worcester i was telling you about the other week, it was clear almost all the way across the pool. 6lb'ish won second 3lb, two weighed in ounces and the other four dry netted. Had a nice brekkie at woodlands though ;)

Grueller match 9 results

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 9:34 pm
by Simple
Good report, next time you have a pike shout me louder so I can get a piccy.
Unlucky for today, that's fishing for you :D

Grueller match 9 results

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 9:43 pm
by Drynet
Good report, next time you have a pike shout me louder so I can get a piccy.
Unlucky for today, that's fishing for you   :D

Tried to hold on to him but he weren't having none of it :D

Grueller match 9 results

Posted: February 4th, 2008, 5:07 pm
by Simple
I deffo had a pike in my swim.
The grass was moving under my feet to the right and then a bow wave shot out and towards the bridge, it disturbed all the mud on the side under the bridge too.
Must have been chasing its dinner.

Grueller match 9 results

Posted: February 4th, 2008, 8:24 pm
by kod
Well what a funny old match, was well gutted when i drew peg 5 on the inlet, just didn't fancy it at all. On the bright side pulled peg 6 out for Mr V, oh well aleast i could have one last fishing lesson :)
Then BDM gets peg 4  :'(  usually when drawn next to each other one or both of us end up having a real grueller.
well i have to say TK you really surpassed yourself this time, i dont think in all the years i've ever heard you swear and moan so much constantly for 4 hours non stop Image Image
Perhaps you need to change all that rotten line on your rigs :D :D
well theres a first TK both having a reasonable match Image

Grueller match 9 results

Posted: February 4th, 2008, 8:58 pm
by TK
Apart from the odd curse of mine when I was in full flight depleting my rig box, feeding a new punch line 2 foot out and a choppie line in my keep net I quite enjoyed it  ;)

Probably as you said it made a change from us both having a real ballacher which is the norm when we are pegged next to each other - too many venues spring to mind to mention  Image

Got too keep my eye on you for 2008..........particularly on the Curley Wyrley now you've cracked the Cotti the Warburton King tactics  ;) Image

At least you've got the confidence to fish the inlet again - see there are fish in it.............and you battered the crack MrV in the process  :P  Image   :D

Grueller match 9 results

Posted: February 4th, 2008, 9:08 pm
by Simple
well i have to say TK you really surpassed yourself this time, i dont think in all the years i've ever heard you swear and moan so much constantly for 4 hours non stop Image Image
Perhaps you need to change all that rotten line on your rigs :D :D

I would loved to have heard that Image