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Izaak Walton (Stafford) Winter League

Posted: October 4th, 2011, 10:27 pm
by bill yards
One last point; perhaps the whingers will put their hard earned cash up for sponsorship and for that matter peg and run the next round at Soudley?

I bet it goes crappity smack quiet now but you know who you are (and so do the rest of us).


Izaak Walton (Stafford) Winter League

Posted: October 4th, 2011, 10:43 pm
by kev p
well said tony no need 4 this crap just fish the match an wat apens is it

Izaak Walton (Stafford) Winter League

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 6:45 am
by Ben
Tony i dont moan i think these matches have been great but i dont think its right when people are saying that black coutnry folks are moaners. Maybe the grub but thats about it.

Izaak Walton (Stafford) Winter League

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 8:00 am
by Woodhouse
If any of you want to argue fluck off to total fishing. Com Image Image Image

Izaak Walton (Stafford) Winter League

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 8:52 am
by lloydy
I bet diggers spell checker is nearly worn out Image,

Ps. Well done Digger, still got it Image

Izaak Walton (Stafford) Winter League

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 9:00 am
by lloydy
Ben, there is a lot of lighthearted banter on here between us yamyams and the northern monkeys(including the northern monkey who prostituted his football club to the highest bidder lol) so if you're the sort of person to get upset over it you're on the wrong site Image

Izaak Walton (Stafford) Winter League

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 12:29 pm
by simon_m
is bens last name dover ?? Image

Izaak Walton (Stafford) Winter League

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 1:07 pm
by lloydy
Might be Ben woodhouse Image

Izaak Walton (Stafford) Winter League

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 2:44 pm
by bill yards
Yam yams moan? At least we stop on our box and dont walk half the match then weigh in.

Rog was just a few pegs to my left and without his help I wouldn't have even started that match.

I was not on my peg when we started as other people were using my icebreaker too so I was one of many that should have been disqualified.

Rog came to me to ask to pop up to his mate to use his phone to ring home (a lot of servers have no signal out there, mine doesn't) - under the circumstances I saw nowt wrong with that. Pray tell me where this 'half the match' come from, more total exaggeration and bullsh!t.

The young lad next to me asked if he could walk up to his grandad to try and get warm. Pray tell me why he wasn't mentioned, maybe he wasn't classed as a threat.

They were very exceptional circumstances that day and common sense surely has to take over.

The sh!t I was given after that match was disgusting, that was my last proper match I'd run and what thanks did I get after 40 odd years of running them. I will tell you F U C K A L L, not that I was expecting any but I certainly wasn't expecting that pile of sh!t.

It was a different tack on Sunday, all backhanded sh!t, I couldn't wait to get away from the place. I could have done something so much more imoportant with the time I wasted running that match on Sunday.

I suppose I will do but I don't feel like fishing another match in this area at the moment. Murf was right when he said some time back that everyone should run a match sometime; come on you crappity smack whingers, spoil some other crappity smack day.

I just want to enjoy my fishing; is this a crime?

Izaak Walton (Stafford) Winter League

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 4:17 pm
by Dodge
Thanks bill ;)

Shut it Lloydy ! Image Image Image Image ;)

Izaak Walton (Stafford) Winter League

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 6:57 pm
by lloydy
Thanks bill  ;)

Shut it Lloydy !  Image Image Image   Image   ;)

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image ImageLove you xxxxxxxxx

Izaak Walton (Stafford) Winter League

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 7:48 pm
by Ben
Looking back that comment might have been a bit bitchy. But for anybody thats knows me i aint a moaner at all and i dont want to be made out to be somebody i aint and i defo aint ben dover. When the last round of the league last year was cancelled did i moan no. I spoke to you tony and said i could understand your reasons but it would have been nice to have won. Did i moan on sunday when i fooked a flyer up no. (AND I DEFO DIDNT MOAN ABOUT THAT SECTION CUS OUR BLOKE WON THAT SECTION) Did i moan when i spent nearly 18hours last winter without a bite no. Did i not go last winter when it was freezing no i went on the river. And Mr Lloyd i aint upset. I work all week just like everybody else and see fishing as enjoyment nothing else.

Izaak Walton (Stafford) Winter League

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 7:57 pm
by Bonanza216
I have fished matches all over the country, and let me tell you all,there are a small percent who moan, anglers slagging venues off, running venues down, and they seem to follow each other like sheep!! All people who make the effort to run matches and take there own time to peg out and run the dam thing need medals and gold ones at them!!!! keep going tone top man!!!

Izaak Walton (Stafford) Winter League

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 10:29 pm
by Dodge
I have fished matches all over the country, and let me tell you all,there are a small percent who moan, anglers slagging venues off, running venues down, and they seem to follow each other like sheep!! All people who make the effort to run matches and take there own time to peg out and run the dam thing need medals and gold ones at them!!!! keep going tone top man!!!

Well said mate ;) Image

Life is difficult enough for most of us right now but we as match anglers are lucky enough to go fishing at the weekends and have a laugh or two and all of us off here have done that over the years , it is only possible though when there are dedicated match organisers like Tony (bill) and Preecy , Woodhouse etc ............. nuff said from me im off to France !

Izaak Walton (Stafford) Winter League

Posted: October 5th, 2011, 11:51 pm
by lloydy
Good luck dodger and anyone else going Image

Izaak Walton (Stafford) Winter League

Posted: October 6th, 2011, 12:21 am
by bill yards
[quote]Pray tell me where this 'half the match' come from, more total exaggeration and bullsh!t.


In life everybody has a moan now and then, it is only natural.
Match organisers have a heck of of a job to try and make it a level playing field, - it is impossible, they can only do their best. I don't want to go back to to a barrage of abuse every time from shitless w4ankers that pick up half a story, I have had enough.
For the record, I was not even there when this chap came down the bank on Sunday and said to one competitor that he would run his engine for three hours and chop up logs and suggested he would be better off moving. Yet I get all the stick and blame for it because the story has added that much crap and bullshit it isn't true. The anglers there had the good sense to sort it out themselves; can you blame me for pulling the sponsorship, the small percent of so called match anglers have shot themselves in their own feet? An apology or two (from the sh!t stirrers would'nt go amiss and they know full well who they are, - it might help but I have more chance of crapping gold bars than that.

Anybody that knows me will tell you I have the utmost patience with other people.

I have tried my very best and failed; those that don't do a crappity smack tap have won, well done.

Izaak Walton (Stafford) Winter League

Posted: October 6th, 2011, 6:29 am
by bill yards
Full results, IW(Stafford)AA WL Round One, Shropshire Union Canal, Little and High Onn, Church Eaton, Stafford.

Section A (wood) Peg 1) D Lloyd (Maver Tipton Van den Eynde) 3-13-5 7 points; 2) S Middleton (Browning Spa MG) 1-3-12 4; 3) N. Turner (Maver Wolves) 4-7-6 8; 4) F. Cheetham (Eclipse) 4-7-15 9; 5) A. Dutton (LesO) 6-6-12; 6) J. Byrne (Exiles) 2-6-4 5.
7) S Preece (Browning Lifestyle Blue) 0-13-8 2; 8) M. Oakley (Rugeley MG) 1-3-3 3; 9) G Ward (Dudley Bait and Tackle) 5-5-12 10; 10) P. Burrell (Hodnet MG) 2-9-6 6; 11) S Cope (Four Crashes AC) 0-7-14; 1; 12) M Owen (Browning Lifestyle) 16-12-0.

B) Wood/Swifts Bridge 1) K Clark (Dudley Bait and Tackle) 4-11-2 9; 2) L. Martin (Hodnet MG) 1-14-9 1; 3) C Harvey (Browning Lifestyle) 2-5-0 2; 4) D Horton (Browning Lifestyle Blue) 3-11-0 5; 5) R. Lloyd (Rugeley MG) 8-14-8 12; 6) I Hingley (Maver Tipton Van den Eynde) 3-7-0 4. 7) D Holbrook (Four Ashes AC) 4-10-11 7; 8) C Ritchie (Exiles) 3-6-8; 9) T Robinson (LesO) 7-7-4 11; 10) J Evans (Browning Spa MG) 4-10-0 6; 11) S Rushton (Maver Wolves) 7-1-12 10; 12) S Johansen (Eclipse) 4-11-1 8.

C Swifts Bridge/past cables 1) A Culley (LesO) 2-13-8 3; 2) D. Hughes (Maver Tipton) 6-8-4 7; 3)K Roberson (Browning Spa MG) 1-5-2 1; 4) B Garbett (Maver Wolves) 3-11-10 5; 5) J Cartwright (Exiles) 3-8-12 4; 6) R Edge (Hodnet MG) 4-0-10 6.
7) P Follows (Eclipse) 2-2-13 2; 8) P Johnson (Browning Lifestyle) 15-15-11 11; 9) D Conway (Rugeley MG) 28-14-0 12; 10) T Bowen (Dudley Bait and Tackle) 12-13-0 10; 11 S Dudley (Browning Lifestyle Blue) 12-0-0 9; 12) B Birch (Four Ashes AC) 7-4-14 8.

D Middle of straight 1) P Turner (Maver Wolves) 7-2-4 9; 2) S Broome (Dudley Bait and Tackle) 10-11-0 12; 3) J Stoll (Exiles) 1-9-7 3; 4) K Goldsbury (Rugeley MG) 1-2-13; 5) M Roberson (Browning Spa MG) 3-14-10 5; 6) M Wood (Four Ashes AC) 6-14-4 8;
7) D Williams (Browning Lifestyle Blue) 9-10-13 10; 8) S Fogel (LesO) 9-13-0 11; S Faux (Eclipse) 6-6-2 7; 10) B Leatherbarrow (Hodnet MG) 4-0-0 6; 11) R Guest (Maver Tipton Van den Eynde) 2-15-0 4; J Keeling (Browning Lifestyle) 2-8-14 3.

E Gantry 1) D Richards (Four Crashes AC) 1-11-12 1; 2) A Round (Browning Lifestyle Blue) 4-12-8 8; 3) R Bates (Hodnet MG) 2-8-4 3; Leopold Woodhouse (Maver Tipton Van den Eynde) 5-4-8 10; 5) E Gardner (Eclipse) 4-14-4 9; 6) G Lunt (Browning Lifestyle) 5-10-12 11;7) T Blyde (Rugeley MG) 1-13-8 2; 8) D Wood (Dudley Bait and Tackle) 2-15-10 5; 9) P Cross (Exiles) 4-10-0; 10) S Nickless (Maver Wolves) 8-6-0 12; 11) L Oggleboggle (LesO) 2-15-0 4; 12) C Duggan (Browning Spa MG) 3-14-8 6.

F Turnover 1) T Nutt (Hodnet MG) 5-11-8 7; P. Dobing (Browning Lifestyle) 13-5-0 12; 3) K Hulland (Eclipse) 6-3-0 8; 4) S Mottram (Browning Lifestyle Blue) 9-4-0 11; K OHanlan (LesO) 6-4-12 9; N Van Hoek (Rugeley MG) 2-15-0 2;
7) J Brennan (Maver Wolves) 6-12-0 10; 8) R Francis (Browning Spa MG) 3-15-4 4; 9) C Westwood (Four Ashes AC) 2-11-8 1; 10) K Perry (Maver Tipton Van den Eynde) 5-11-4 6; 11) J Garbett (Dudley Bait and Tackle) 3-8-0 3; N Davies (Exiles) 4-3-0 5.

Ind. D Conway (Rugeley MG) 28-14-0, C9; M Owen (Browning Lifestyle) 16-12-0 A12; P Johnson (Browning Lifestyle) 15-15-11 C8; P Dobing (Browning Lifestyle) 13-5-0 F2.

Teams: Maver Wolves 54; Browning Lifestyle 51; Dudley Bait and Tackle and LesO 49; Browning Lifestyle Blue 45; Eclipse 43; Maver Tipton Van den Eynde 38; Rugeley MG 32; Hodnet MG 29; Browning Spa MG, Exiles and Four Ashes AC all 26.

Izaak Walton (Stafford) Winter League

Posted: October 6th, 2011, 8:37 am
by Bonanza216
Keep the faith tone You and the rest off the boys up there are doing a fine job, and the rest off the boys running matches and putting the extra hours in of a weekend! We all need to pull together as canal anglers, and keep the faith, or leagues like this will disapear and then We will all be moaning proper! :P

Izaak Walton (Stafford) Winter League

Posted: October 6th, 2011, 9:33 am
by lloydy
D richards four CRASHES ac lol I love it

Izaak Walton (Stafford) Winter League

Posted: October 6th, 2011, 10:09 am
by two shakes
Les is now known as Leopold Image Image Image
I best get this coffee off the keyboard now.