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Match Question

Posted: April 20th, 2011, 9:29 pm
by lloydy
Can't agree with bankwalking, fine if you want to go and sit behind someone to learn but just don't weigh in. Too many do it to gain an advantage and stop people catching. As for youngsters, my lad has started this year and the responce fron organisers letting him fish for free and the help off other anglers with advice and tackle has been superb. Thanks all Image

Match Question

Posted: April 20th, 2011, 9:51 pm
by marko sbc
lloydy, i agree with you on the trying to gain an advantage theme but i was really trying to get across that i was helped by senior anglers and i would hope that my contempories would feel the same way towards the younger anglers unfortunately that's not the case with the win at all costs mentality and that is just sad tbh.
your lad is more than welcome on the loop anytime mate...and if i can help him in any way to catch some fish i will and so will the rest of my lot, but that goes without saying Image

gorrell, we have met on the hankat this year mate and i am glad that you think we do a good job of running matches down here . i know what craig ritchie and his club do for the youngsters around the warrington area and i have nothing but admiration for the time and effort that they put in. i think it's a pity that the so called stars of today don't remember that they probably recieved help at some time during their development but can't find time to put a little bit back into a sport that has given them so much..........i find that selfish and sad :(

Match Question

Posted: April 20th, 2011, 9:53 pm
by marko sbc

i promise i will try to post more often mate Image

Match Question

Posted: April 20th, 2011, 10:26 pm
by TK

i promise i will try to post more often mate Image

Guddo Image

Look forward to a report or two from the Loop too Image ;)...........and dont forget that me, Joffie, Simps and co are all suckers for a pickie as well ;) Image

Match Question

Posted: April 21st, 2011, 7:17 am
by bill yards
me, Joffie, Simps and co are all suckers

TK - your spelling is getting worse Image Image Image Image

The one about bank walking is very difficult and not quite as clear cut (forgive the pun) as it first appears, - there is a grey area, I have come across it the odd time.

The basic one is if a chap is caught in traffic and arrives late. He gets on his peg late so technically he has 'walked'. Is it right that he should be disqualified?

Because of an organising problem with parking I had to go and sort during one match; this saved a few a £40 fine for obstruction. Should I be disqualified for that?

When you run matches you are inevitably the last at your peg. In one WL only last year guys helped me break the ice. I couldn't have fished without this. I started late after returning ice breakers and so forth, should I have been disqualified?

In the very same match I was next to a youngster and he actually asked if he could go for a walk to warm up a bit. Like me he never caught but if he did do I disqualify the future of match fishing?

I have also taken on board about 'dump and walk'. This is not right and never has been in my book. We have all seen this, personally I would put that at gamesmanship and how how you describe that is up to youselves but to me it borders on cheating.

I could go on for ever about this but a lot of matches I have organised were on the Shroppie. The canal is notorious for not getting signals on your mobiles. Yet if you go up the cut a bit or to a bridge you may well get a signal. I, and others, just have to ring home now and again due to problems with illness, ageism at home or for that matter crucial work decisions. Can I not fish any more canal matches because of this?

Like I said before it is a very grey area.

More of a problem is this. Match anglers seem to have their own ideas what 'common sense' is and often jump up and down without knowing the full facts. This is crap.

Match Question

Posted: April 21st, 2011, 9:09 am
by marko sbc
yes bill, a very grey area indeed. the other week my lad had left his groundbait at home and 5 mins into the match he rings me and asks if he can come and fetch some off me...should i have said no and let him fish and not catch as much or should i have said yes and let him" walk" down the couple of pegs to me to obtain some ???? guess which one i did? not hard is it to use a bit of common sense really!!! we are there to catch some fish not handicap ourselves or punish others who have forgotten something, after all, we all have at some time or other been in that position i bet!
i forgot me hemp on a match last year, john fowler was on the next peg, did he say tough sh!t ? no he didn't, he offered me half of his hemp because he is a gent and understands like me that we are there to catch some bloody fish!! if we can help others we should imho not laugh and take the you know what instead Image

Match Question

Posted: April 21st, 2011, 1:00 pm
by joffmiester
LLOYDY I UNDERSTAND banning bank walkers on canals perhaps in the winter, but in all fairness the rest of the year is fine.
take the sensas final i drew next to wil on the first day loads of banter between us plus about 10 to 15 strong behind us, some talked about this website and sat behind me most of the match. it wasn't fishing well yet most wanted to talk about waggler fishing as they didn't use the method very often, shared the flask with one or two and had top banter and it was a very enjoyable day .second day people couldn't walk around little geareys just not the same

Match Question

Posted: April 21st, 2011, 2:04 pm
by lloydy
I agree common sense should prevail. I walked on hankat this year on purpose because I couldn't get a bite and he was catching next to me, I knew if I walked I would catch so I did and won money, as did mojo an d someone else. But is this fair to to anglers like murfin who sat there all day, caught sod all and won nothing or someone who I might have gone behind who was catching but then stopped

Match Question

Posted: April 21st, 2011, 3:38 pm
by marko sbc are the phantom dump and walker :D
besides you would cast a rather large shadow if you did sit behind some poor sod who was catching Image

Match Question

Posted: April 21st, 2011, 5:30 pm
by two shakes
yes bill, a very grey area indeed. the other week my lad had left his groundbait at home and 5 mins into the match he rings me and asks if he can come and fetch some off me...should i have said no and let him fish and not catch as much or should i have said yes and let him" walk" down the couple of pegs to me to obtain some ???? guess which one i did? not hard is it to use a bit of common sense really!!! we are there to catch some fish not handicap ourselves or punish others who have forgotten something, after all, we all have at some time or other been in that position i bet!
i forgot me hemp on a match last year, john fowler was on the next peg, did he say tough sh!t ? no he didn't, he offered me half of his hemp because he is a gent and understands like me that we are there to catch some bloody fish!! if we can help others we should imho not laugh and take the you know what instead Image

I hope ya charged him for the Groundbait Mark ? :D

Match Question

Posted: April 21st, 2011, 5:33 pm
by bill yards
besides you would cast a rather large shadow if you did sit behind some poor sod who was catching

It wud be like a crappity smack eclipse Image Image Image Image

Match Question

Posted: April 22nd, 2011, 1:05 am
by Paul_Murrin
I have to agree with most comments posted re bank walking............
yes in the winter months mostly on worm n joker matchs its a proper pain when people walk n dump bait , only to return to the then rested peg normally the last hour and half were the fish move into the gap created by th missing angler and his pole not being hovered over head. And it is really noticable that this works.....
    Summer months when canals are more coloured from boats and feeding fish then not as bad....
    also as for supporting and talking to the younger anglers on the bank this has to be a big YES from me as this should be our future anglers buying bait / tackle/ fishing publications etc,etc,so it could be a knock on effect if not encouraged.
  so yes a little common sense is all that is needed.
      When running matchs the only way to stop the bank walking then re fishing problem, is to fish to N.F.A. Model Match Rules. Three that spring to mind to curb this are:

    6. A competitor must not cause annoyance to or seek to interfere with another competitor, or use mobile phones during the course of the competition,and must act in a sporting manner at all times.

26. Any competitor who abandons his/her peg having decided to cease taking part in the match,but who decides to contine fishing must do so outside the confines of the match length being used for the match.

29. no competitor shall leave his/her peg at any time during the course of the match other than to answer the call of nature, and then he/she must not leave his/her baited hook in the water.

common sense must prevaile re mobile phones as these could be a life saver in more ways than one  Image
perhaps i am a bit old fasioned but youve got to fish to some sort of guide lines / rules , ive fished to n.f. a rules loads of times with little problems
  they just need to be addopted with a little common sense ...... Image

Match Question

Posted: April 22nd, 2011, 7:35 am
by bill yards
What about stewards in National Championships?

If they can not walk it could be a free for all for those that want to cheat.
How the crappity smack can they check for illegal baits, how can they record you are on the right peg.

How can they weigh in.

The problem here, is how I see it, match oranisers are served up will all sorts of problems that most competitors don't even see.

I had one small instance last year that one guy had to race off mid match because his lads boiler had burst in his house, causing all sorts of flood damage. He quietly left, sorted the job out and returned and finished his match off.
Some crappity smack said he should have been disqualified for walking without knowing any details.
This sort of anti-social actions (and that is what they are) don't help match fishing in any way whatsoever.

The guy that complained, what happens to him? crappity smack all, he will be there next time dreaming up some other moan. Why doesn't he run matches, ask him that and he just crappity smack laughs at you.

Murf hit the nail on the head some time back on one of these posts. It will never happen but what a good idea. Every match angler should run a match at some time or other to see what is involved and the problems that occur.

It is now April and the sh!t has only just stopped from that Individual National last year. I have even had it come in from other countries and had to 'explain away', believe it or not. It all but ruined my holiday last September as well. There were 'instigators' in that match, - I'm still waiting for them to run a National, never mind a 6 pegger.

Perhaps someone out there will offer to run a few matches on our waters to help our club out; I seriously doubt it.


Match Question

Posted: April 23rd, 2011, 12:16 pm
by joffmiester
here here bill!!
i think it will be left to Paul turner again and again until he buckles under the moaning brigade :( :( :( :(and that day will come

after planning the match calender and booking waters and paying the deposits plus endless phone calls to see who's fishing .
i've haven't had any return calls from any team apart from trentmen this calender has been printed in both local papers still no phone calls
i have cancelled one venue as it was a £200 deposit which i had paid out of my own pocket and its looking like match angling in leicestershire will be all club fishing or individuals matches on commercials :-[ :-[
whether this recession and fuel prices are hitting harder than we think but from what i'm seeing there is absolutely no interest in team fishing this year

Match Question

Posted: April 23rd, 2011, 12:45 pm
by lloydy
I ran the superleague practice for wolves aa when Paul was on holiday, when I started pegging out all the fish were dying because pollution had got in, I moved the match to pendeford as it was the closest water and guess what got moaned at. It was the worst site I've ever seen,fish gasping for air and all some of the anglers could do was think of themselves

Match Question

Posted: April 23rd, 2011, 12:49 pm
by bill yards
You are spot on Joff.
i think the word 'apathy' comes into this as well. If your summer league falls flat it will not be too long before some will be asking why? Then it'll be the match orginsers fault in their eyes.

Paul runs a good match and I know he does it for Wolves AA and the money goes a long way towards paying the rent.

We have 9.5 miles of cut here and now I have retired from match organising there is not a penny coming in. Where are the moaning crappity smack now Image Image Image Image?

We have vast stretches of cut that have never seen a match (most of it hasn't) for the last two years. We get no club bookings (apparently because there is a chub swimming about somewhere) yet we are as cheap, if not cheaper, than most clubs.

I fear, long term, what is going to happen to our club waters; the club will still exist as long as I am alive. Things are OK at the moment but that will change quick unless somebody runs a match or two on our cuts.

Match Question

Posted: April 23rd, 2011, 9:13 pm
by Paul_Murrin
COME ON LADS ....................

Tony not sure whats happened to the lads who used to fish under S.I.W.A.A
mate but i will help out and run some matchs for you on behalf of S.I.W.A.A.
   Im at Middlewich tomorrow so will ring you monday as not at work Image will get some dates and get sumat sorted  Image

this is a traversty lets all get behind this in someway and fish some matches hear Image Image they saw talk is cheap mate defo bell you monday to get this on Image

Match Question

Posted: April 23rd, 2011, 10:39 pm
by jay
hi there, im new to the site and have just bought a fox matchman seatbox i was just wondreing wether anyone could tell me what theyve heard of them and if they are any good, it was a steal really at 70 and i got pole support and feeder arm included, please could someone reply and let me know ther thoughts, much appreciated, jay.???????????????????????????

Match Question

Posted: April 23rd, 2011, 11:03 pm
by cheslynboy
WAA will not fold right now its under good management ie paul alan and myself we have bookings up till xmas and we keep a tight rain on the finances infact there is a match worth visiting next friday the wedding match ring paul for details

Match Question

Posted: May 3rd, 2011, 7:12 am
by bill yards
This is just an interesting Rule that was printed in the Izaak waton membership.


3) Competitors must not encroach upon another's allotted space, and use a sporting discretion towards those on either side of their peg. One rod and line and one hook only allowed.

To me this means NO bank walking.

Rule 6, part of- Any competitor desiring to weigh in must remain at their pegs. They will be disqualified if acting otherwise unless they are match officials and have permission to do so.

OK, we all have ideas on this. The main point of me putting this up is that this is from the 1936 Membership Book. Whayt progress have we made in 75 years, - crappity smack all Image