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another day in paradise 2nd rd

Posted: February 13th, 2010, 12:31 pm
by dragnet
took a walk on the first 2 rounds of the wigston w/l it fished pretty much as expected, saw some old mates ,plenty of superstars and the sensas lads too! Image Image Image Image Image hide your fags and coffee i mite see you 2morro ps dont ignore an eel swim joff it just mite get you out of jail Image Image Image

another day in paradise 2nd rd

Posted: February 13th, 2010, 12:52 pm
by joffmiester
Image Imagei don't smoke and i rarely take a flask :-? :-?i wondered why you didn't stop very long Image Image
i'l take a flash tomorrow mate and you can tell me how to catch them eels Image Image Image

another day in paradise 2nd rd

Posted: February 13th, 2010, 1:16 pm
by dragnet
no problem mate , you will need quality rather than quantity 2morro Image !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hopefully I will get to fish a couple of rounds if i can get back in the oadby side.they dropped me cus my tares where undercooked and i only fed 6 pots of punch over over my flake line , will i ever learn :-[ WESTMINSTER BRIDGE will suit you fineĀ  :D

another day in paradise 2nd rd

Posted: February 28th, 2010, 8:52 pm
by colly
How did eveyone get on today??? Heard that Joffie had a few!!

Had another shocker - drew Peg 2 at Crow Mills, fancied it for roach and rudd - BLANK. Was in good company though there was 11 of us, including Swinno on the next peg. After last weeks cancellation have caught a grand total of 1 fish in the last 3 weekends!! Class

another day in paradise 2nd rd

Posted: February 28th, 2010, 10:35 pm
by Guest
Matt im glad to hear your catch your rate has you doing mate have you fished around nuneaton lately

another day in paradise 2nd rd

Posted: March 1st, 2010, 7:05 pm
by colly

Hi mate - good to hear from you. Haven't fished the Cov Cut for 5 years when I left Browning Central. Definately miss the place, but I always preferred Nuneaton, Atherstone end rather than Cov city centre, which was more patchy. A lot of people on this forum will think that I should be committed for saying that!!! Image To me there was always something exciting about fishing the place, you had to really work for your bites and could catch on the caster off loads of pegs - plus the atmoshere at the Plough was always good. All seems to have changed know with Coventry being described as the River Wye of the canal fishing world in the angling press!! The canal between Bedworth and Atherstone is still my all time favouite venue (along with the Ashby at Snarestone and Shackerstone) and hold loads of good memories for me. Trying to convince our lads to fish in the Teams of 4 next year.

Have become a punch and squatt man now on the GUC and really enjoyed the last few years, but this winter has been terrible. What have you been up to?? MC

another day in paradise 2nd rd

Posted: March 1st, 2010, 7:37 pm
by Guest

Not rellay been out much for the last 2 years with work and other commitments.I wanted to fish this league this year it looks a very interesting canal mate.not really fished Nuneaton myself just too patchy and you have to catch chub most of the time to compete and i struggle sitting for one of them!!I like going round theddingworth area now and maybe try and get on a few matches.Will Graham be running the spring league there this year do you know.

See you soon mate(if i can find my fihing tackle),

another day in paradise 2nd rd

Posted: March 1st, 2010, 7:57 pm
by colly
Will let you know about the theddingworth spring league when I find the dates. I'm going to give it a miss this year and fish commercials until the Southern Canal League and Northampton SUmmer Leagues start.

There is one round of the Wellingborough Teams of 4 league left - on 21st March which is from Theddingworth to Foxton (after Lee Newson's bit of the canal). You can fish this as an individual, give me a shout if you want the details. We might have spaces in one of our teams for the Wigston league on 14th March too??

another day in paradise 2nd rd

Posted: March 1st, 2010, 9:29 pm
by Guest

I spoke to Martin Lane just before christmas about entering a team but he said you were committed to Wigston League which is fair enough. Would be good to see you next year.
I agree Atherstone/Nuneaton is my preferred option but times move on and to be fair Cov City is full of fish hence sharing venues.
Nuneaton fished OK yesterday but patchy in places. Looking at other results matches have been as good as anywhere the last few weeks
Mostly roach and skimmers now with a few Chub at our end. Lots of small fish at Hartshill but it does not take much to knock them off. Hopefully next year will be better as they get more confident and competitive for food.

another day in paradise 2nd rd

Posted: March 4th, 2010, 8:07 pm
by colly
Paul - Sounds good mate, I'm sure that we will put a team in next year. Will try to get some dates for the other leagues round this area (Northampton, Foxton, Wigston etc) to see if we can avoid clashes if poss.

Looking forward to it - will have to dust off the dufills and learn how to fish the caRster again (moved down south for too long) Image

another day in paradise 2nd rd

Posted: March 5th, 2010, 11:42 am
by Guest
No problem Matt i will keep you informed