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Change of venue for Sat 3rd March

Posted: February 28th, 2007, 6:57 pm
by TK
Image well i'm bringing worm theirs enough jokers turning up already :D :D

Lesson learnt from when me, thee and Chubby had a session down there Image

Change of venue for Sat 3rd March

Posted: February 28th, 2007, 7:22 pm
Im now gonna do my usual predictions:

1st mr v
2nd tk
4th geoff
5th KOD
6th cotty

i expect the canal specialists to be in strong contention if they have good draws and are not flanked by heavy feeders/lashers.

I think winning weight wil be between 3lb and 5lb

Change of venue for Sat 3rd March

Posted: February 28th, 2007, 7:47 pm
by TK
Is this a psychological ploy in an attempt to generate a bit of 'pressure' or summat
  :D :D :D

Want to win, but I'll settle for second on the day - particularly if MB, Lasher or Polepot Rolly are in the vicinity  :'(

Change of venue for Sat 3rd March

Posted: February 28th, 2007, 10:42 pm
by TK
Meant to add - but I was strapped for time and had to shoot out and only just returned - that you've surprisingly excluded Zorro - the form horse on cuts if you look at past records over the last two years and more recently yourself Image

Why's that Image

Ginger Tom also knows that cut like the back of his hand..............

Change of venue for Sat 3rd March

Posted: March 1st, 2007, 12:23 pm
by TK
In fact to just to hang onto Zorro's shirt tails I've had to order .............. :D

Change of venue for Sat 3rd March

Posted: March 1st, 2007, 5:10 pm
me too TK can't take any risks

Change of venue for Sat 3rd March

Posted: March 1st, 2007, 7:14 pm
by TK
Where'd you get it from yamo?

Change of venue for Sat 3rd March

Posted: March 1st, 2007, 9:03 pm
by kod
Image aahhh i can't get any theve sold out >:(

Change of venue for Sat 3rd March

Posted: March 1st, 2007, 9:31 pm
by TK
Known casualties so far................

Golden to sunnier climes
Rich Cash........ditto
Brian Brambles - family bereavement

Looks like we're down to a 22 max.................unless theres a couple of guests coming along Image

Change of venue for Sat 3rd March

Posted: March 1st, 2007, 11:22 pm
by Mark_Stanaway
Tommy cooper whether to cold

Change of venue for Sat 3rd March

Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 7:06 am
by kod
Known casualties so far................

Golden to sunnier climes
Rich Cash........ditto
Brian Brambles - family bereavement

Looks like we're down to a 22 max.................[highlight]unless theres a couple of guests coming along[/highlight]  Image

come on hoddy room for you and barb shirley Image
we'll even HA HA on a short leash   :D Image

Change of venue for Sat 3rd March

Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 8:55 am
Looking like we might be frozen over, make sure we bring some ice breaking equipment. Image

or tie some of polepot's string round barbara's waist and chuck her in one end of the cut.Then stick ha ha (her dream man) at other end of cut and watch her clear the ice trying to get to him. :D :D Image

Change of venue for Sat 3rd March

Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 8:56 am
Where'd you get it from yamo?

i got 4kg of it all off ha ha, all i need now is to know how to use it Image

Change of venue for Sat 3rd March

Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 9:15 am
TK surely river level has dropped now and we can go on trent please, pretty please :'( :P ::) 8-) ;) Image Image Image

Change of venue for Sat 3rd March

Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 12:48 pm
by TK
a) Don't know
b) You gunna ring all the members now, advising them of COV again?
c) You gunna tek the flack when they all have to ditch their bw&j and buy some more bait?


Change of venue for Sat 3rd March

Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 4:34 pm
TK tongue in cheek request earlier hence the smileys.

shame the weather wasnt kinder in the week but hey i have so much bloodworm and joker for the canal i dont know what to do it might have to ball it in. Is Hoddy coming tomorrow for sure?can't wait to finally see him in the flesh and watch as he struggles and incurs the wrath of the cashmore's curse.

Change of venue for Sat 3rd March

Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 6:30 pm
by TK
a) I knew you were trying to wind me up.............not good for the blood pressure at my age :D
b) No wander I can't get any - you've got it all
c) Oh no not another wind up........
d) I'm sure you know that Hoddys off to the Trent


Change of venue for Sat 3rd March

Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 7:19 pm
We will have to see if he is there or not.i for one hope so but i aint holding my breath cos there always seems to be an excuse. ive heard that MB is bringing pellets and corn to snare resident bream and tench. Ive also been told that dave pearce has been down there already practising............................................................................................................................................... not fishing...just finding a convenient place to have a sh!t ! :D

Change of venue for Sat 3rd March

Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 7:36 pm
by TK
Never told you did I - I've got the key for Sharretts............anyone fancy a knock up tomorrow?