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Hawkhurst Fish Farm 11th October

Posted: October 7th, 2008, 7:51 pm
by kev the catch
Would make a nice change. for this year anyway. still we'll have a good day out no matter what......

Hawkhurst Fish Farm 11th October

Posted: October 7th, 2008, 9:44 pm
by keith
I will go for 825lb for 16 anglers

Hawkhurst Fish Farm 11th October

Posted: October 7th, 2008, 9:45 pm
by keith
Also where is this place. And how much is it to cross the Thames?

Hawkhurst Fish Farm 11th October

Posted: October 7th, 2008, 9:52 pm
by Mugger
It's £1 if you're coming over the Dartford Bridge Keith.

Hawkhurst Fish Farm,
Hastings Road,
TN18 4RT.

Telephone: 01580 753813  
Fax:           01580 754182


Hawkhurst Fish Farm 11th October

Posted: October 7th, 2008, 10:55 pm
by keith
Cheers Pete

Hawkhurst Fish Farm 11th October

Posted: October 8th, 2008, 12:05 pm
by Dave C
There will be some changes to our usual format for this match. As the cafe will not open early for less than 15 breakfasts then we cannot have breakfast until just after 9am. So what Im going to do is hold a rolling draw.

As soon as I get there around 8am I will start the draw and you can go straight to your pegs to set up and go to breakfast as soon as they are open and hopefull be ready to start at 10am. Those not wanting brekkie can arrive later and take their draw and set up at their leisure ready for 10am.

I will not know until I speak to the baliff on the day if they will let us have a straight through 6 hour match. It may be that we will have to either only fish 5 hours or hold a midmatch weigh in at 1pm then fish a second 3 hours.

As I said before I will buy a 25kilo bag of pellet and everyone can take 3 pints. I will add £1 to the normal fees to cover the cost ( thats not a bad deal £1 for a kilo of pellet ). The rules stat that the maximum bait allowance is 8 pints of which only 2 pints can be pellet but the baliff doesnt worry about that and will let you use more pellet.

Basic rules are
8 pints of bait only
1 tin of meat only
No added flavourings or colourings
2 keep nets usually with a max of 70lb per net ( additional nets are available to borrow from the baliff.)
No method/frame feeders
No hair rigs
All nets to be dipped
No floating baits ( anything within 6 inches of the surface is considered as floating)
Maximum of 1 kilo of groundbait.

Hawkhurst Fish Farm 11th October

Posted: October 8th, 2008, 12:05 pm
by Dave C
Do you guys want me to run a random pairs match similar to the MDs one based on the draw numbers?

Hawkhurst Fish Farm 11th October

Posted: October 8th, 2008, 12:20 pm
by al
dave a pairs match sounds like fun
2  weigh ins or 5 hrs im easy
as you already know lol :P :P

Hawkhurst Fish Farm 11th October

Posted: October 8th, 2008, 1:27 pm
by kev the catch
Pairs match would be good. Image Image

Fish 10:00 - 13:00 weigh in fish 14:00 - 17:00 Image

Trouble with that is that it's starting to get dark so by the time you finish the weigh in it will be 18:00 and pitch black.

Upto you Dave and the powers that be on site. Image

Hawkhurst Fish Farm 11th October

Posted: October 8th, 2008, 6:42 pm
by al
didnt get proper dark till 6.30 - 7.00 tonight
so kevs times look about right to me

Hawkhurst Fish Farm 11th October

Posted: October 8th, 2008, 7:02 pm
by Mugger
Pairs could be fun :D , as for the times of the match, lets just see what the Bailiff has to say on the day, it's his call really. ;)

Hawkhurst Fish Farm 11th October

Posted: October 8th, 2008, 8:24 pm
by Dave C
Colin and I have had a chat and Im going to do a pairs as well but as there is a big difference in ability for the club members Im splitting it into two groups like the Rolfs MDs match. I group of so called experts and one group of inexperienced guys.
The experts will fish against each other as will the inexperienced and their points added together. Lowest points wins £5 each. Ties decided by total combined weight.

So called Experts

Al Loader
Bill Gibbens
Clive Pritchard
Colin Sharrard
Dave Collier
Keith Ashby
Peter Morton
Tony Roberts
Paul East ?


Graham Manning
Jim Boase
Judy Hermite
Ken Walker
Kevin Loveland
Rod Turner
Roger Noakes
Terry Goff

If Paul decides to come then one of the less experienced will get drawn with him getting to fish in 2 different pairs. Ill get Gladys to do a draw for pairs tomorrow.

Hawkhurst Fish Farm 11th October

Posted: October 8th, 2008, 9:19 pm
by kev the catch
Dave, why not put one expert and one novice together as a pair or even as Vince did the last time we fished a pairs at Hawkhurst.

Hawkhurst Fish Farm 11th October

Posted: October 8th, 2008, 10:32 pm
by Dave C
That was the idea Kev, to have an expert and an inexperienced angler making each pair. Vinces idea of having one in each pair on each side of the lake wont work with seeding the experts. I decided to do it this way to even up the pairs and give everyone a better chance.

Hawkhurst Fish Farm 11th October

Posted: October 8th, 2008, 11:23 pm
by keith
How can I be classed as an so called expert :'(

I don't even know where this place is let alone how to approach it.

Image Image Image

Hawkhurst Fish Farm 11th October

Posted: October 8th, 2008, 11:24 pm
by keith
What about corn?????????????????

Hawkhurst Fish Farm 11th October

Posted: October 8th, 2008, 11:46 pm
by Dave C
Because the first time you fished Rockells on the xmas match you won it beating numpties like Gary Thorpe and then had 180lb the next time you fished it. We are not that good anglers Keith but we aint stupid. ;) :P

If it fishes well then its mainly pellet soft or hard banded either at 4 to 6 metres or inches from the boards with anything from a ton to 200 needed to win. Its stuffed with carp mainly between 1 and 3 lb, a 4lb fish is a bonus.

If it turns off as it did for us in April then maggot could do better. Paste can work but its usually a bit too slow compared to pellet. I suspect corn can work ( I havent bothered with it the 3 times Ive fished it this year, but the fish are used to the pellet which have to be bought on site though I will also be taking hemp to feed. I will be buying a sack of pellet to share out so everyone will get around 3 pints for £1 ( there will be some left over so if you want anymore let me know.)
The last time we fished it in August it was really poor but that was due to a lack of oxygen so I dont expect it to be like that now.
If you need help with the route ring me tomorrow.

Hawkhurst Fish Farm 11th October

Posted: October 9th, 2008, 4:00 am
by keith
Well the weather looks good so at least it should fish ok. However its been freezing here overnight so its anyones guess.

As you know I don't do maggot so it will be pellet or corn for me.

I think its a bit too cold for the paste at the moment but maybe spiced up with a bit of atomic it could work.

I take it we can use any hooker pellets, just not adding any flavours or additives to them.

Hawkhurst Fish Farm 11th October

Posted: October 9th, 2008, 11:35 am
by Dave C
I take it we can use any hooker pellets, just not adding any flavours or additives to them.

Correct Keith. I usually use GOT 6mm catmeat or strawberry hookers though I now have some red liver ones to try as well. I have only fished it 3 times in recent years so I just tend to use my favourite things though it seems to work as Ive been placed 3 times out of 3 . Paul who has fished it a lot uses 6mm and 8mm hard pellet banded pellet and has had a 1st and 3rd on the two matches he has fished this year. So it seems to me its best to just do what you are happiest with but be prepared to adapt if required.

Just remember this is a Marsh Club day out so just enjoy yourself and dont take it too serious. Image

Hawkhurst Fish Farm 11th October

Posted: October 9th, 2008, 12:31 pm
by kev the catch
SORRY Dave miss understood the post and have re-read it and it now makes sense.
:-/ :-X