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Named and shamed TK Grueller match 6

Posted: February 6th, 2007, 1:34 pm
by MrV
awful weights, [highlight]it would have been a stroll in the park for us. [/highlight]The way i keep reading  about people 'losing beasties', why cant these people get these fish in ? they might stand a chance then. well done to the young boy, ive watched his results with interest and he is getting better all the time well done young shawnie. [highlight]sandwiches for this saturday gruller match anyone?[/highlight]

[highlight]it would have been a stroll in the park for us. [/highlight]  If only you had the intelligence to go to the right venue  Image

[highlight]sandwiches for this saturday gruller match anyone?[/highlight]  Yes please. If you can do me a couple of Brain sandwiches, (Yours are obviously pickled somewhere in a jar) I will pay you the week after, when the rest of us are on the real grueller, cos there aint one this Saturday. Image

They tell me Ironbridge is nice this time of year  ;)

Named and shamed TK Grueller match 6

Posted: February 6th, 2007, 1:41 pm
by Guest
we have intelligence mr v, why else would we be so good at fishing? explain that one The problem was that tk never got in touch with exact details and we assumed power station was buildwas. We had a better day than you anyway. Looking at the pathetic weights on worm and joker it would have been a stroll in the park for us anyway.

ok so there is not a match this saturday, but there is one on the 17th am i right?
Right ill book you in for a brawn sandwich i assume that is what you meant. Do you want mustard or any other dressing?anyone else for sandwiches

Named and shamed TK Grueller match 6

Posted: February 6th, 2007, 4:48 pm
Good post mr v, summed it up for me really. It was another grueller, started with a bite a chuck before about 4 bites in 3 hours. Almost identical to how it fished when i drew it before. Nothing down the track or margins not even gobies. Lost one decent chub about 12oz which may have got me up to 3rd or 4th but it wasn't to time id like a crack at 10,11,12, 14,15,16.Just for a change ;) :D :D ;)

Would have liked to see Hoddy there for a laugh, GT was pining for barb, he'd even bought her some flowers in the mysterious red van. Image Image Image

Named and shamed TK Grueller match 6

Posted: February 6th, 2007, 5:57 pm
by Mark_Stanaway
Hoddy Nolder
If you would like to fish the kid pond on the 17 feb i think tk will let you have peg 8/9 cus we carnt catch much of it do you think you can show us how it is don Image

Named and shamed TK Grueller match 6

Posted: February 6th, 2007, 6:59 pm
by Guest
whatever peg i am drawing i am producing. So if i do draw these pegs i will use worm and joker and catch a netful, just look at the fish i caught at buildwas. Guy next to us with all the latest fashionable gear never had a bite. Look i have to go now because ive u[set barbara by putting a picture of my ex wife on the forum. see you lot later.