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Curse match 6 - Curborough New Match Pool

Posted: May 12th, 2008, 4:14 pm
by TK
The junction of the A51 and Eastern Avenue (A5192) is closed with road works.

There are a couple of alternative ways to get to Watery Lane avoiding going across Lichfield.

A) Continue on the A51, go past Eastern Avenue. Turn right onto the A515 at the island which is about ½ mile further on. Then take the first right (Grange Lane) and follow this down to Eastern Avenue.  Turn left onto Eastern Avenue and then down to Watery Lane.

B) Continue on the A51, but approx 400 yards before the junction with Eastern Avenue, turn right onto Abnalls Lane. Follow this to the T junction. Turn right (Beacon Street) and follow down to an island. Turn left into Wheel Lane. Then take the second left (Grange Lane) and follow up to eastern Avenue. Turn right onto Eastern Avenue and then down to Watery Lane.

Curse match 6 - Curborough New Match Pool

Posted: May 12th, 2008, 5:26 pm
by me
The junction of the A51 and Eastern Avenue (A5192) is closed with road works

bloody hell, this match is still 5 days away and tk as already Image it Image

Curse match 6 - Curborough New Match Pool

Posted: May 13th, 2008, 12:50 pm
by TK
[move]HOT NEWS FLASH[/move]

Brambles has been bagging on it............just hope we can get to it on Sat :P

Curse match 6 - Curborough New Match Pool

Posted: May 13th, 2008, 7:43 pm
flippin heck,  get a few more guest and you could have guests versus cashmores  Image


Curse match 6 - Curborough New Match Pool

Posted: May 13th, 2008, 7:58 pm
by TK
flippin heck,  get a few more guest and you could have guests versus cashmores  Image

wonder if the guests will mind a few members coming??

poor effort tk, ::)
no need to invite brownhills market to this one.

Why is it poor effort Yamo?

Cashmores has never refused guests in all the time that I've been associated with the club on the proviso that sufficient pegs existed.

I'd also add that a number of members of Cashmores also first fished with the club in the capacity of being introduced as a guest, before eventually becoming members

Curse match 6 - Curborough New Match Pool

Posted: May 13th, 2008, 8:15 pm
by TK
The 7 guests are now down to 6 as one reading this thread has just rung me to say they wont be coming along as they dont feel welcome.

I'd just like to say to any of the other 6 guests that chance upon this topic - (in order of request to me and not I would add following my invite to all and sundry at brownhills market >:( )

Young Shaunie
Brambles jnr

that you will receive a warm welcome from the officers of the club and the majority of members

Curse match 6 - Curborough New Match Pool

Posted: May 13th, 2008, 8:30 pm
by me
yamo whats the problem with any club including cashmores inviting guests to fill spare pegs? All clubs Ive ever fished with have all invited guests if there are spare pegs so why shouldn't cashmores ?.

I personally see the inviting guests to a clubs matches/ events as a way of adding to clubs funds, meeting new people and showing them what sort of club you have, and if you are short of anglers to fish a match a way of keeping your pools money up. As a guests point of view it shows what the club and members are like so in the future if a vacancy becomes available for that club the guest knows if it worth parting with his money to fill the vacancy.

Haven't you ever fished as a guest in another clubs match, and how did join cashmores? what made you part with your money when joining? was it just instinct? or word of mouth off an already member or did you fish as a guest for them before joining?

Personally if i still belonged to a club id welcome any guest to our matches. Id only have a problem if the guest was some one like Bob Nudd and he fished ever match or if a member was unable fish a match because his peg had been given away to guest .

Curse match 6 - Curborough New Match Pool

Posted: May 13th, 2008, 8:35 pm
by MGB
yamo whats the problem with any club including cashmores inviting guests to fill spare pegs? All clubs Ive ever fished with have all invited guests if there are spare pegs so why shouldn't cashmores ?.

Well said ME. Methinks YAMO is afraid of the competion!

Curse match 6 - Curborough New Match Pool

Posted: May 13th, 2008, 8:39 pm
flippin heck,  get a few more guest and you could have guests versus cashmores  Image

wonder if the guests will mind a few members coming??

poor effort tk, ::)
no need to invite brownhills market to this one.

Why is it poor effort Yamo?

Cashmores has never refused guests in all the time that I've been associated with the club on the proviso that sufficient pegs existed.

I'd also add that a number of members of Cashmores also first fished with the club in the capacity of being introduced as a guest, before  eventually becoming members

its a [highlight]poor effort[/highlight] of a wind up after your last effort prior to armitage canal this season tk. that's what i mean about poor effort, i thought you'd know what i mean, but maybe not

Curse match 6 - Curborough New Match Pool

Posted: May 13th, 2008, 8:43 pm
happy to take on big colin he is an excellent angler on these type of venues and im sure ill help harry with his gear again as he and my old man go back a long way

Curse match 6 - Curborough New Match Pool

Posted: May 13th, 2008, 8:54 pm
by TK
Just in case anyone wants to refresh themselves with my sudden fascination for inviting guests........... ... 578915/0#0

Curse match 6 - Curborough New Match Pool

Posted: May 13th, 2008, 9:05 pm
for the record as a club member, i do not have any problem with any guest coming to fish a match at all. Always nice to meet new people and i often go out of my way to help them, shame my comments were taken the wrong way.

Curse match 6 - Curborough New Match Pool

Posted: May 13th, 2008, 9:30 pm
where has your sense of humour gone tk??

you are first to jump on bandwagon with wind ups now i have a little dig back for once you go off the radar. :D :D :D :D :D

Curse match 6 - Curborough New Match Pool

Posted: May 13th, 2008, 9:31 pm
are you there tk??

Curse match 6 - Curborough New Match Pool

Posted: May 13th, 2008, 9:31 pm
Image looking forward to this match

Curse match 6 - Curborough New Match Pool

Posted: May 15th, 2008, 5:20 pm
by TK
Thread reopened ..........................

Yamo has asked me to ask TK is can come to many matches

Not sure what you mean SS Image

Curse match 6 - Curborough New Match Pool

Posted: May 15th, 2008, 6:28 pm
by Simple
Nor me lol :D

Curse match 6 - Curborough New Match Pool

Posted: May 15th, 2008, 7:16 pm
by Gem
Thread reopened ..........................

Yamo has asked me to ask TK is can come to many matches  

Not sure what you mean SS  Image

Thats jibberish! Ive read it as 'Yamo has asked me (SS) to ask TK if he (yamo) can come to any matches'

Image :D Image

Curse match 6 - Curborough New Match Pool

Posted: May 15th, 2008, 8:59 pm
by MarkV
I need some help on this one, im flying completely blind at the moment...

What are the predominat fish in the New Match pool, what size and what are the depths like. ???

Could really do with some general info ;) Pleeeeze ?

Curse match 6 - Curborough New Match Pool

Posted: May 15th, 2008, 9:10 pm
by me
tiger i think you find that most people are in the same boat as you about this pool. Ive only ever fished the other 2 pools and have never seen this one and i cant find any info out on this pool.