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Hey up.... hes at it again!!!

Posted: June 14th, 2013, 10:50 am
by Waldorf
Is that Highly Paid or Over Paid Civil Servant Image Image Image

Hey up.... hes at it again!!!

Posted: June 14th, 2013, 10:52 am
by Waldorf
Might need a little help next week Image Its £10 with a 10lb start...Got the big boy worried Image Image Image

Hey up.... hes at it again!!!

Posted: June 14th, 2013, 5:13 pm
by Statler
Is that Highly Paid or Over Paid Civil Servant  Image Image Image
I am not a civil anything, let alone servant Image Image

Hey up.... hes at it again!!!

Posted: June 14th, 2013, 5:14 pm
by Statler
Might need a little help next week  Image Its £10 with a 10lb start...Got the big boy worried  Image Image Image
Is that 10lb an hour?

Hey up.... hes at it again!!!

Posted: June 14th, 2013, 9:44 pm
by Pedro
Wots up wi you lot tonite ??????
Stumped fo wordzzz de wordzzzzzz -eh!
Image Image Image Image Image

Hey up.... hes at it again!!!

Posted: June 16th, 2013, 11:17 am
by big_cup
Might need a little help next week  Image Its £10 with a 10lb start...Got the big boy worried  Image Image Image

Dont let him start changing the amount of weight you get and the price, he chasing now your kicking his wobbly cheeks Mr Jones Image Image

Hey up.... hes at it again!!!

Posted: June 16th, 2013, 11:19 am
by big_cup
That's a no then Image

Won his money tonight, time you started getting on the bank more and picking up some winnings  :-/ :-/ Image
Can't get mid week due to pressure of being a highly paid Executive Officer Image

You talk the shite to suit that roll!! But you dont fool me, the higher you go, the less you do, its all the art of talking ballocks and deligation. Your just not allowed out to play Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Hey up.... hes at it again!!!

Posted: June 16th, 2013, 6:56 pm
by Waldorf
Been on the warping drain today with penfold. Tench to 6 and bream over7. Both of us also had a pike on the worm only babies around 3 ish. Image nice to get back to nature rather than carp taming. Image

Hey up.... hes at it again!!!

Posted: June 16th, 2013, 8:04 pm
by Statler
Such comments from them striving to reach such dizzy heights. Management there to be knocked but without them you would have crappity smack all to do

Won his money tonight, time you started getting on the bank more and picking up some winnings  :-/ :-/ Image
Can't get mid week due to pressure of being a highly paid Executive Officer Image

You talk the sh!te to suit that roll!! But you dont fool me, the higher you go, the less you do, its all the art of talking ballocks and deligation. Your just not allowed out to play  Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Hey up.... hes at it again!!!

Posted: June 17th, 2013, 7:30 pm
by big_cup
Without higher management the ones that know how to run the show would be on more money, get less hassle and wouldn't have to listen to all the tripe that means crappity smack all that we go away and ignore and run it how it needs to be run anyway Image Image

Hey up.... hes at it again!!!

Posted: June 17th, 2013, 8:53 pm
by Statler
Without higher management the ones that know how to run the show would be on more money, get less hassle and wouldn't have to listen to all the tripe that means crappity smack all that we go away and ignore and run it how it needs to be run anyway  Image Image
Shut up griping and put your energy to getting big lad to actually do something and sort this national side out

Hey up.... hes at it again!!!

Posted: June 18th, 2013, 8:38 pm
by Pedro
Appears the fat controllers run art of steam....either that or hes run off rails  :D

fo...crpz...f'sake!!...someone  needz to get a firm grip on Stainny Crapz Crew!!! 

Gain Some Credibility smiley=waaaa.gif] Image

Hey up.... hes at it again!!!

Posted: June 18th, 2013, 9:42 pm
by tallman
Has it all gone lady lumps up Pedro, all that hype to start it off in stead of going proper fishing .. No national for them then Image Image

Hey up.... hes at it again!!!

Posted: June 18th, 2013, 10:17 pm
by Pedro
Tell thee wot!!!...Victor........¿?¿

They're al full ov crappity smackin Wind and even more...crappity smackin Pipzzzz .....  ;) ... ata_player

Hey up.... hes at it again!!!

Posted: June 19th, 2013, 3:20 pm
by Statler
Tell thee wot!!!...Victor........¿?¿

They're al full ov crappity smackin Wind and even more...crappity smackin Pipzzzz .....  ;) ... ata_player

We are not but our Big Leader seems to be.
Come on Chub Tamer are we entering or not!
Get your finger out and organise something before it is too late Image

Hey up.... hes at it again!!!

Posted: June 19th, 2013, 3:23 pm
by Statler
Has it all gone lady lumps up Pedro, all that hype to start it off in stead of going proper fishing .. No national for them then Image Image
Proper fishing!
Walking miles and catching nowt as per Happy League
If that is proper fishing then I am glad to be out of it after 46 years!!! Image

Hey up.... hes at it again!!!

Posted: June 19th, 2013, 7:40 pm
by big_cup
Has it all gone lady lumps up Pedro, all that hype to start it off in stead of going proper fishing .. No national for them then Image Image

What proper fishing was you doing on Sunday Tallman??? :-/ :-/

Why didn't you walk 50 pegs down don for your 300gram like a good percentage did???? Image Image Image Image Image Image

Hey up.... hes at it again!!!

Posted: June 19th, 2013, 7:41 pm
by big_cup
Tell thee wot!!!...Victor........¿?¿

They're al full ov crappity smackin Wind and even more...crappity smackin Pipzzzz .....  ;) ... ata_player

We are not but our Big Leader seems to be.
Come on Chub Tamer are we entering or not!
Get your finger out and organise something before it is too late Image

Tamer never arranges crappity smack all, he is a good goner but he is all wind and yellow stream Image Image

Hey up.... hes at it again!!!

Posted: June 19th, 2013, 8:43 pm
by Statler
Tell thee wot!!!...Victor........¿?¿

They're al full ov crappity smackin Wind and even more...crappity smackin Pipzzzz .....  ;) ... ata_player

We are not but our Big Leader seems to be.
Come on Chub Tamer are we entering or not!
Get your finger out and organise something before it is too late Image

Tamer never arranges crappity smack all, he is a good goner but he is all wind and yellow stream  Image Image
Come on Tamer prove people wrong Image

Hey up.... hes at it again!!!

Posted: June 23rd, 2013, 10:22 am
by big_cup
Tamer did you sort anything else out yesterday?? Andy will definetly fish and is back off his hol's, Joner will fish if wanted??? Not got long to sort it and there was a lot of lads at Lindholme yesterday saying they was in a team fishing it. They was from all over yesterday as they was practicing for fish o on Wednesday :-/ :-/