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B & J on the KP

Posted: February 7th, 2007, 2:39 pm
by Simple
Image This thread is still going Image Image

B & J on the KP

Posted: February 7th, 2007, 4:06 pm
it is a top thread started by mr v, its gone off subject a little but its still an enjoyable read. For the last grueller match i think we should have a twist, ie: teams of 4 or pairs just for a laugh. What you think?

B & J on the KP

Posted: February 7th, 2007, 6:01 pm
by MrV
it is a top thread started by mr v, its gone off subject a little but its still an enjoyable read. For the last grueller match i think we should have a twist, ie: [highlight]teams of 4 or pairs just for a laugh. What you think[/highlight]?

How about a Rover  ::) Whoever draws number 1 gets to pick his peg, whoever draws 2 gets 2nd pick etc.etc. Same as they do at Whiteacres on their Rovers.  Image (there wont be too many wanting to draw peg 16 LOL)

B & J on the KP

Posted: February 7th, 2007, 6:03 pm
good idea ! TK can use his GBDM skills, draw peg 1 and then choose 13. Image Image

i reckon we should do summit for last match, either pairs, teams of 4 or a rover match.

B & J on the KP

Posted: February 7th, 2007, 6:10 pm
just a thought before i go. whoever draws peg 1 let the person who draws peg 2 name a peg for him and so on! :D

B & J on the KP

Posted: February 7th, 2007, 7:16 pm
by TK
Could see some fisticuffs with that one.............. :D

B & J on the KP

Posted: February 7th, 2007, 7:22 pm
by Guest
forget having teams have pairs.. me and barbara can be together then. i would happily put huge wagers on this to prove our ability and class. Today we went to bridgenorth on the severn and had a succession of huge chub on wasp grub quill waggler fishing, barbara took picture on her phone of just a few. the other keepnet was full to and was too heavy to lift out. on the way back to the car we were stopped by locals and asked for autographs and pictures, they were realy fussing over us. we also sold 3 sandwiches to dog walkers. a succesful 4 hours fishing for barbara and me one kid was so overcome with emotion he was crying as they took a photo of us.



B & J on the KP

Posted: February 7th, 2007, 7:23 pm
interesting Image

B & J on the KP

Posted: February 7th, 2007, 7:36 pm
by Simple
Them chub look frozen Image
Did you buy them from Tesco's :D

B & J on the KP

Posted: February 7th, 2007, 9:34 pm
by Mark_Stanaway
Them chub look frozen  Image
Did you buy them from Tesco's  :D
Tesco dont sell chub you clown :D

B & J on the KP

Posted: February 8th, 2007, 2:05 pm
helloo hoddy, not fishin today you & barb? :-?

B & J on the KP

Posted: February 8th, 2007, 4:17 pm
by Guest
yes wedgie we went to shian farm in kidderminster this morning for 3 hours as my factory was shut today we used the left over worm and joker from saturday and caught lots of quality roach and even a big double figured pike at the end. i had barbara digging away the snow  so we were comfortable. also barbara sold a mug of soup to a carp bloke for 4 quid but there was no one else there. tomorrow we are going to fish the rat bag stretch of canal to practise we may have to break ice but who cares barbara is good at that. here are pics of fish today.


and the monster at the end


as we packing away a guy came round walking his dog and had a go because we were using keepnets, barbara had a huge row with this guy and i had to restrain her from headbutting him.This nosey guy spoilt what was another great exhibition of fishing

B & J on the KP

Posted: February 8th, 2007, 5:24 pm
by Guest
before any of you ask what that netting is, it was a crate out the back of the maxi that barbara stores the nets in she uses for the kids footie team she helps run on a sunday. i will be having a question and answer session tonight if anyone wishes to ask me anything about fishing.

B & J on the KP

Posted: February 8th, 2007, 5:24 pm
by Guest
if anyone wishes to join us the canal tomorrow pm me. Do you need a sandwich making?

B & J on the KP

Posted: February 8th, 2007, 7:14 pm
by Simple
if anyone wishes to join us the canal tomorrow pm me. Do you need a sandwich making?

Are you netting the canal too :P :D You might get some ducks or maybe some coots Image Image

B & J on the KP

Posted: February 9th, 2007, 12:39 pm
by Guest
we didnt go to the canal in the end as barbara was not in the best of moods today and didnt feel like wading throug the ice even though i asked nicley. so we have sit indoors watched a couple of bob nudd videos and made love 4 times. Not a bad substitute for fishing. If anyone needs any worm and joker for next gruller match the horny monk can get you some for 11 quid a match pack, that includes 2quid commission for me. and remember sandwiches are readily available.

B & J on the KP

Posted: February 9th, 2007, 12:46 pm
by Guest
here is another on the go tip from Hoddy Nolder, the fishing phenomenon. When hooking your bloodworm make sure it doesn't bleed if it does it will be dead and useless. i normaly use 3 bloodworm on a size 16 and the roach and perch go mad for it. be experimental try new things both in the bedroom and on the bank i had to learn somewhere now i want to help you guys.


B & J on the KP

Posted: February 9th, 2007, 8:38 pm
we didnt go to the canal in the end as barbara was not in the best of moods today and [highlight]didnt feel like wading throug the ice [/highlight]even though i asked nicley. so we have sit indoors watched a couple of bob nudd videos and  made love 4 times. Not a bad substitute for fishing. If anyone needs any worm and joker for  next gruller match the horny monk can get you some for 11 quid a match pack, that includes 2quid commission for me. and remember sandwiches are readily available.

so let me get this right, you get barabra to get in cut and break the ice. lol class :D

B & J on the KP

Posted: February 9th, 2007, 8:39 pm
Do you tie a string round her and throw her in? :D :D :D

B & J on the KP

Posted: February 12th, 2007, 11:03 am
by Guest
yes i do carefully wrap some rope round her and give her stick but i do not throw her in . she is my woman i care more than you lot think that is why i will not share her with ha ha. One time we had a canal match and we had to break the ice so after the all in shout i ordered barbara to stuff her shoes trousers and jacket pockets with joker so i could put a bed of bait down, sure enough it worked and i breezed the match with 14lb of roach and perch. my bloodworm bait was soaked in cinamon and i used size 22 hooks and we made a huge profit on sandwiches that day.