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few hours yesterday

Anything fishing here including Tackle and Bait.
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few hours yesterday


Unread post by joffmiester »

managed to get some fishing in yesterday ,as i've got a canal championship coming up this weekend[with about 25on it] i thought I'd go and have a few hours on the cut.
big question for me would it be a bread punch match or still a G/B and squatt match as the weather has been far from normal this month
parked the van next to my bridge and walked to the first peg ,with in 20 mins i was ready to go .all the normal rigs apart from the chopped worm as i wanted to know out of the two baits would i get the better response
bread to the right and down the peg a couple of metres and G/B over on the shelf two balls a few dead sqatts and casters in it and one big 250ml pot of bread to the right
4x10 4x12 floats for both lines and started on the bread first put in with a big punch resulted in a skimmer about 10oz  :)nice start next a roach of 6oz and a few more smaller stamp ,after half hour perhaps less i slipped a squatt on shipped out and caught a dace on the way out  :-/re-baited and another and few small roach followed nothing special so i went back top the bread line first put in a nice roach of 6oz again followed by a run of roach it seamed to me that both baits responded well to top ups, plus i was pleasure fishing which is always better .
by the end of the session i think bread had been the better bait only because of the better stamped fish came to it and the squatt would of been a busy line with fish but i just felt the fish were too small

my question is
is there a switch over time of year between bread and squatt or would you go down the lines of starting on bread and if that falters change it to a squatt line Image Image
kev p
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few hours yesterday


Unread post by kev p »

squatt an g b seems to slowed up even 50 50 with black leam . fish bread an keep going over the top with squatt or pinky that as seemed the best on our cuts as the colour is droping out all the best joff
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few hours yesterday


Unread post by Mugger »

;) 4mm expander over micro's and a paste line joff. Image Image Image
:cheerleader :cheerleader Watch out, watch out, there's a Mugger about :cheerleader :cheerleader
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few hours yesterday


Unread post by joffmiester »

;) 4mm expander over micro's and a paste line joff. Image Image Image

never Image Image Image Image Image
funny thing the best bait at the glebe at the moment is bread punch Image Image Image pete you should try it mate Image Image Image
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few hours yesterday


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Hi Joff,
I think I met you today on the Wreake canal championship. I was doing the scales and weighed in someone called Joff.
Was that you?
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few hours yesterday


Unread post by joffmiester »

;)yes ,mate what a great turn out 37 and a great bunch of lads the canal fished reasonable for saying one or two lock gates were closed
myself i got court out abit i went down the bread punch line thinking the colour looked good plus my squatts were a poor size
and to be fare i bumped a good fish first put laying on with a large punch bread Imagejust court me out really from then on it was a small roach most puts ,again i had decided to fish the deepest part ::)why i don't know as it was still pretty warm for the time of year :-? :-?we did have a few more boats than i expected going past and then coming back Imagei didn't bother men as it kept the colour in after about one hour the chap on my left landed a good fish a perch about a pound he was fishing for them from the start and fareplay i made a couple of phone calls and most said the same thing bonus fish.i had set afew traps and did keep topping them up each time i had given them a go and each time the bread was still active but were getting smaller so from here on i was chasing a bonus fish :-/ :-/but nothing came along
i did feel that at the end of the match if i had stayed on the punch i might of had 5lb but thats no good unless you have a bonus fish to go with it Image
still enjoyed the day and it was great to see bobby back and running matches i thought the payout was brilliant and well run
he did say that the wreake had a match there most weekends and they normally get 20 to 30 there which a great turnout
he did say all i have to do is become a member and i'd be more than welcome to fish them ;) ;)that ment alot to me and thanks for the offer i might take you all up on that Image Image
dan were you on the first peg mate with all the leaves most would of moaned like hell about that and nicky moss was in the same boat ,neither of you said a word Image top marks
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few hours yesterday


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Yes, I was in the first peg with the leaves. It was a bit of a pain cause you'd be catching on a line, but then it would be completely covered with leaves and you'd have to move to a new line. Theres not much point in complaining though - not much the organiser can do. The last match I fished on the canal I was pegged under an electricity pylon/transformer so it could have been worse :D

I haven't fished that section of the canal before, but I was well chuffed when I saw that I'd drawn an end peg next to a turning basin. If I was going for a pleasure session its probably where I'd pick.

I fished punch and was getting regular roach. A couple of the early ones were probably 3oz, but most were a lot smaller. I had a small skimmer on the bread, but it was only 4oz. I went straight back over after I landed that one, but none of its mates were about :'(
I don't know whether I'm just lucky, but if I go pleasure fishing on the canal I can catch plenty of skimmers on bread, I just stick a larger punch on than you'd use for the roach. The regular match boys don't seem to rate punch so much for skimmers? and to be fair to them they dont seem to get caught so much on bread in matches either?

Similar to yourself I realised the bread was not going to win anything. I had a play on worm on the far shelf and had a 8oz perch, followed by a 6oz one. Then I lost a couple of rigs on snags.

Last hour I filled a load of worm in down the middle and to my right in the turning basin. This resulted in a 4oz skimmer and a 4oz perch, but nothing consistent.

It all sort of drifted away into nothingness in the end.

Swapping about on worm didn't do my bread line any good, so I might have managed more weight if I'd have stuck to what I was comfortable with.

I hadn't fished any Wreake matches before, although I recognised some from open matches. I am going to think about joining as well, as I wouldn't mind fishing some canal matches to try and improve my fishing. I don't really fish matches, but it seems like a good way of improving my general fishing. I have fished a few opens, but as a newcomer I think its going to be a difficult task to do any good in opens. I am a member of Wigston AS, but as far as I can see there aren't any matches this winter on the canal apart from the 2 big open matches.

Do you know what won on Sunday. Out section top weight was 9lb 10, but I didn't go back to the RO to hear the full result.
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few hours yesterday


Unread post by joffmiester »

Dan there was two 9lb10oz weights i know one was pete wade in our section i can't remember the other lads but he came from the section that was very clear in the tree's someone said. 3rd was 6lb10oz he did catch on a waggler i don't really know the canal yet but i do like it i don't think anyone can say where its going to be won
Dan your right its the only way to learn better fish skills is by fishing along side better anglers ,you will always walk away thinking if only i had done that .good anglers are only as good as there last result mate Imageon your day Dan you can beat anyone Image
what you have put is right and i think a lot of other anglers thought the same .a part from the lucky one that caught the odd lump Image Image
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