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Unread post by grover »

now.. i live about 7 miles from tottenham,and as u are aware theres a lot of sh!t going down there at present.. i live 0n the 8th floor of a 10 storey block of flats, well tonight i went out on my balcony and the biggest blackest fire ive ever seen!!! not sure exactly where or what it is they've set light to now,but it looks quite close!! Image
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Unread post by joffmiester »

here we are sending our troops all over the world ,facing a real hostile enemy with real weapons of mass destruction day and night
all for what !!!!
scumbags in London well it looks like they are crawling out of every dustbin in the country not one of them are fit to be called English
why-o-why don't we go in hard and batter the scumbags [because this country is full of do-gooders]
teargas,rubber bullets and water cannon with a permanent dye in it that would sort the scumbags out
there would be no copy-cat attacks then
I'd rather us my tax-payers money that way then try and rehabilitate the scumbags and rebuild london Image Imagei don't surpose any of there houses got burn down to the grown or any of there business were looted Image Image
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Unread post by Mugger »

quite simply these are opportunistic low life scum using it as an excuse to go on the nick.

Evidently there are no watercannon in mainland Britain, the only ones are based in Northern Ireland.

It's time to say man balls to PC, sod their 'Human Rights' and give them a good hiding.

Anyone caught rioting/looting should without exception get a minimum 5 years hard labour with no possibility of parole. Same as some American States, put them to work on chain gangs repairing the damage they've caused. >:(
:cheerleader :cheerleader Watch out, watch out, there's a Mugger about :cheerleader :cheerleader
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Unread post by bill yards »

Yes total sh!t bags.

Not too well up on this story but opened my daily paper this morning and it is full of it. S'pose the telly is full of it too but I don'r watch that much.

I think the media are just playing right into their hands; this coverage is exactly what they are after.
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Unread post by Dodge »

Wow the Tory toffs have returned from their holidays early ....... things must be bad !
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Unread post by TK »

get a minimum 5 years hard labour with no possibility of parole

That all Mugger :o

15 years min in a specially built/delapitated shithole in the middle of Dartmouth with no mod cons..........get a court up running today and send 'em down - that would send the message out.........and whilst I'm ranting - crappity smack off the 10% of crappity smacking doogooders who bleat 'you cant do this, you cant do that' - give them 10 years too whilst we are on >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
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Unread post by TK »

Forgot to add..........

Introduce a compulsory sterilisation programme as well
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Unread post by paul_brown »

For what it's worth I would rather bring back corporal punishment and public floggings.

Give the low life scum a damn good beating and then publicly humiliate their whole family with the press and media present, and stop their benefits until they have paid for the damage.

If that dont make the parents of these scum bags keep em on the straight and narrow nothing will!!!

Apologies if I gone to far but they need to be taught a lesson
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Unread post by TK »

crappity smack off the 10% of crappity smacking doogooders who bleat 'you cant do this, you cant do that' - give them 10 years too whilst we are on

I've cooled down now, so I'll retract that............I'm all for democracy, but that 10% of crappity smackers have got to realise that that's what they are - a minority - and to stop ramming down our throats - the majority - that their views are the only ones that count and must be adopted irrespective of the majorities view

Feel the BP rising again >:( >:( >:(
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Unread post by me »

RIP Broken Britain...You went soft on discipline!..You went soft on immigration! Parents were told...'No you can't smack the kids'....Teachers were prevented from chastising kids in schools...The police couldn't clip a troublemaker round the ear.. Kids had rights blah blah blah.. Well done… Britain..You shall reap what you sow.. We have lost a whole generation
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Unread post by joffmiester »

Wow the Tory toffs have returned from their holidays early ....... things must be bad !

Image Image Image all blair and browns doing dodge they should be up for treason after filling there pockets and leaving the rest of us to sort the crap out
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Unread post by joffmiester »

i agree with G/basher
corporal punishment  Image Image
if you don't do anything wrong and break the law it won't bother you just the scumbags  Image Image

here in Leicester Melton road was not touch its the best street for asians business [the golden mile] and do you know why because hundreds of asians came out to protect there families businesses perhaps we should take note they blocked the roads in and out
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Unread post by paul_brown »

To true ME. The country as a whole has taken PC to the max. No one is allowed to dish out parental punishment for fear of the law coming down on. These scum know that if they are charged with anything they can quote human rights infringements against them.

Best thing we could do is throw the human rights act in the bin, tell these PC idiots where to go and close the borders to all immigration.

Lets get back to how things were in the 60's and 70's when kids had respect for their elders and knew they would be punished for any wrong doing!!!!
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Unread post by grover »

glad u lot agree..i always hated blair,its him whos to blame for this countries demise..and the aftershock will continue for years to come,this latest uprising is just the start.. all he wanted was a knighthood! something he will never achieve even when they give em away thesedays..archer got one? he wanted to be a great priminister a churchill or a thatcher..thankfully we all saw through him,and the noose round his neck tightened,i would love to meet him in a dark alley!! >:(
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Unread post by Dodge »

Wow the Tory toffs have returned from their holidays early ....... things must be bad !

Image Image Image all blair and browns doing dodge they should be up for treason after filling there pockets and leaving the rest of us to sort the crap out

Deffo Thatchers fault ..... worst primeminister ever ! Cameron is using Thatchers policies from 25/30 years ago so he is doomed ..... history tells us ALL primeministers whatever party they represent fail us all. Saddest thing of all most of us who live in big cities / towns knew this disgraceful disorder was about to happen ....... Cameron and the police who have suffered 25% cuts didnt !  >:(

Me and TK i agree 100% with you  Image Worse thing that can happen now is that the underlying racial tension in many big cities explodes .
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Unread post by TK »

Doesnt go as far as I'd want but I've received this petition

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Unread post by me »

Worse thing that can happen now is that the underlying racial tension in many big cities explodes

Dodge thats about to happen now that 3 muslims have been murdered in the riots in brum . Birmingham is already sitting on a time bomb with the blacks and muslims competing for the drugs trade, sihks v muslims ove religious hates, the whites who are sick of the foreigners (blacks, yellows, browns ect)
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Unread post by joffmiester »

sikhs/Muslims aren't behind the drug wars maybe religious hates but that goes back centuries and has been brought into our life's as for the whites[scumbags] they just feel that this country owes them a right to a good life but are not prepared to work for it
foreigners have come in to the country and took the jobs that no one else wanted ,BUT in far greater numbers then we first thought [thanks to Blair and brown]
at the end of the day nothing will ever change unless we give the law stronger powers we are just like the rest of the world, discontentment breeds a lot fast than contentment
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Unread post by thegrub »

most of these so called "scumbags" have never had a job and will never get one as long as the poles and serbs an all the other tossers from across the water keep working for nothing its time we put the lid on it,my grandson is 24 as worked 12 months since he left school an they keep sending him for agency jobs in which he signs off works a couple days then signs on agen
            this is why most of these kids are rioting find them proper jobs they'l  be to tired ter riot

an bring back corporal punishment in schools and the home an only employ Englishmen .............oh an while we are at it bring back hangin  Image Image
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Unread post by joffmiester »

the other problem is we now have a generation that have and are growing up that now nothing different
young fathers with hoodies on and baseball caps smoking and drinking all day don't give sh#t where there kids are night and day
schools can't cope with degenerates, proper teachers leave there professions and what takes over under qualified teachers that let them get away with it Image Image 

perhaps military style school would help if you don't do anything wrong you have nothing to worry about Image
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