I have read about this 'disclaimer' business before; I thank Lala might know more about this than I do.
I know all matches run on Izaak Walton (Stafford) AA waters carried a very decent insurance. Basically the match itself was insured against any accident and that included the organiser who, (I can say it now often had over £2000 of anglers money hid in the lining of my carryall!!!!
As far as I can remember we only had one incident when some cows got through a 'roped off' area in a field and did some paint damage to a few cars. The Insurance Co were well satisfied we had done as much preventative measures as we could and paid up without any problem.
However, I must admit these are are quite hard times, weather wise, and organisers, because of what they actually, also have a conscience. They are always looking behind them in matches for problems; only an organiser will know what I mean by this. To put a bluntly no amount of insurace is going to help a guy buried under thick ice. Sorry to put it that bluntly but there you go.
As an afterthought if every angler did sign the 'disclaimer' is it worth the paper it is written on without the match organiser going to an Insurance Company and checking out the fine print, Remember the laws on this type of thing are changing all the time; what applied twelve months ago may not apply now.
Over to you LaLa.
I might be on telly today as I am Telford for the UK snooker all day.
If anyone comes and nicks my gear please replace the roof tiles as I have had two claims for them already
Please smile for the camera as well as it is switched on