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All our yesterdays........goto stump CWH with this

For TK's trip down Memory Lane.

Moderator: TK

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bill yards
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All our yesterdays........goto stump CWH with this


Unread post by bill yards »

Well done Lorena for beating the panel and making a bunch of old frats five years older :rofl :rofl

TK will post you a red squat as your award :cheerleader :cheerleader :cheerleader
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Unread post by Simple »

Came across this forum yesterday and couldn't resist a comment. The photo is of the Shiplake and Binfield Angling Club Ladies team winning the ladies national at Holme Pierrepont on an incredibly stormy day more years ago than I care to remember. In the photo from left to right are Lorraine F (me), Gill (??), Denise Hudgell and her mum Yvonne?
This post is 5 years too late but at least all is clear. Chucked out pretty much all my fishing reports and medals a couple of months ago and never had this photo - so cheers - I will keep a soft copy as it doesn't need any space.

Welcome to the forums. Can I ask how you came across the pictures please Lorena .
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Unread post by joffmiester »

:whistle :whistle get to find out its only taken 5 years :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
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