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Great Competition the stainy Teams of three

Anything fishing here including Tackle and Bait.
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Great Competition the stainy Teams of three


Unread post by joffmiester »

Never really having time to fish the stainy over the last few years with running matches on our canal and other competition clashing.Now with more free time i was up for the chance to fill in for a team M.A.S Midland Angling Supplies made up of myself Vince callaghan [london based] and Ian Chadburn to this day i'm still yet to meet them other than messaging them  ::)
The reason for this is i  had some duff info from a well known angler that the draw was 8.30AM not 8am  ::) ::) needless to say organisers  Tom skoley and Lee kerry gave me a little telling off  :-[ :-[ and to fair being a match organiser myself i was really embarrassed [Its not in my nature to be late normally]but worst was to come i had to face Sam wildsmith that had stood around waitting for me as well  Image Imageluckily where i had drawn 191 Sam drew 160s so had to pass him  Image Image needless to say Sam was getting his kit out of his van when i pulled up Image .just a stair was all it took   Image Image and i felt the guilt once again .being good friends for many years and i'm pretty sure he knew it was a one off we soon started talking about the pegs we had drawn  ;)


this is looking back from 191 back to 160 i'm not sure of the name of the bridge there and perhaps the longest walk as well  :-/ :-/ :-/


this looking to the higher numbers which leads to the waste grounds and west street i think  :D :D

My peg for the day 191 with all the chat before hand i was one side of the marina and hadn't been that good in the past but how you can say that when the competition has fished very well right through the series


I'm lucky now as my involvment with sensas has brought me into contact with some top anglers and the informations is totally mind blowing and i thought i knew a bit upto date information is vitil as the stainy has 30 or 40 regulars that know what to do in most pegs and know all the pegs inside out  Image Image but just sometimes that can be a disavantage as i well know on our local venues

my plan was to fish 11metres on two lines and 13metres on two lines but i must say the pegging is close which gave me a chance of four swims 16 metres was a No No for me i'm just not quick enough but a 14 mtr line for caster looked right
Choice of float was easy J/F and pole sticks couldn't wait to try them on the stainy its made for them


Image Image Image repainted by the mini dumper truck izzy WHILE I WAS TALING A PHONE CALL Image Image

ANYWAY PART TWO COMING UP how and what to feed is this the biggest gamble you have to make each week
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Part 2
Concerning G/B we can talk all day we all use our favourite mix and self confidence in your helps [tried and tested as they say] I use Sensas G/B and always have not only because i'm sponsored by them but because i think its the best I've used over the years on natural venues
Roach,silverfish and lake are at most anglers top 10 but how often do anglers ring the changes in the winter G/B with very small food content such as Canal extra super Canal 3000 plus soil and leam
yesterday i used Canal extra but hadn't any super canal black 3000 so i use roach noire sieved mixed everything separately the two G/B and then damped the soil.Then a decision has to be made by yourself on how much to put in G/B only or only soil or a bit of both


I went down the both i mixed enough to make 6 balls 2 handfulls of G/B half a bag of soil and into that i put 150ml of joker i didn't put anything else like caster into just hemp i feed these at 11 mtrs left and right i then mixed a little more with more G/B hemp few casters and 150 ml of joker this time in 4 balls for 13 mtr

ps my G/B is darker than the picture as it was that dark the flash worked

knowing i wouldn't be going onit straight away i didn't feed the 14 mtr line as the canal was flowing a little and i wanted to feed casters with a few bloodworms on that line
all my rigs were made to top 3 and half hooked onto top 4s with light laggy no4s and 5s down a top 2


first mistake i didn't fish at my keepnet  Image i was told to but looking down the edge i could see the bottom needless to say most did this and it seamed they were catching loads  Image i started on 11 but had to wait for bites so two and two was put together must set up a perch rig still it wasn't long before i was catching small skimmers and roach and had slipped the net under a double bloodworm skimmer about 8oz  Image it seamed that was the signal for everyone to move out to there lines from then on everywhere you looked roach were flying out some of these lads that fish there week in week out are brilliant at it 4 rollers some of them :o :o :o. i thought to myself i'm on for a right pasting  Image Image needless to say i was so glad i had choosen 11m as i could hold my own as the canal slowed up and stop i fed the 14 line with hemp and casters with a few bloodworm  ;) as the match went on everyone seemed to have slow periods and this is when i 'd slip a caster or a piece of hemp on yet often nothing  :-/ :-/it wasn't until i put another 5in over depth and two bloodworms on did i get a responce  :o :o :o 3 skimmers all around 8oz followed by 4 roach to 8oz i began to think this is it  Image Image just as i thought that a mass of bubbles came up and i had the mother of all pike on  Image Image could i get it to let go  Image Imageits amazining what stick you can give 0.7 bottom anyway i stood up and said "just let go of my roach "!!!! and the next minute it did  Image Image a dead 8oz roach went in the net well almost dead  Image
after that the peg went iffy so i refeed by pot  and went on the 11m where i could still catch but they were small and still everywhere you looked anglers were catching my last hour came a live again and managed to catch a few on caster  at the weigh in i really didn't know what weight i had and talking along the bank everyone said around doubles but i just didn't feel that .i walked down to Bicko he said the same low doubles and i'm glad to say he had made a few errors as well Calum Dicks who was part of my team as Vince had to go home ill before the start admitted
having a few Bicko weighed in the look on his face said it all  9lb 9oz errors had cost him


calum managed 12lb odd can't remember the ounces then my section i managed 10lb 11oz a 8lb 7lb and 7lb 14oz around me more luck then anything


but the young lad two pegs away who shipped allday had 10lb 14oz i did offer to pour water over his rollers at the end  Image
one thing i would say i noticed quiet a few youngsters and ladies fishing and Stacey managed a 4th in the match and won her section with this quality catch of 14lb 7oz


i'lput the full result up when i get it  Image Image
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Great Competition the stainy Teams of three


Unread post by Dodge »

Good pegs them joff , i have drawn there a few times in the past . Odd good bream show from time to time plus skimmers , its amazing when its really windy you can catch at 6 mtrs all day , proper speed fishing. Think i had a good weight off a peg in the 190s (where you have to sit in the water because of the broken bank ) in the Sensas challenge final a few years back  Image Dark g/b a must on the stainy ......Sensas black lake and Silverfish with some molehill used to catch a few everywhere !  ;)
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Unread post by Pedro »

Nice one Boycie.. Image

Plenty of 20lb toothy critters along that stretch.
32lber best ive heard of.... off Dunstans 260's. Mind you that was several years back!!!  Image

Not to mention the legenary Cat Fish that frequents the Fence End 230's (Scrub Field)  Image.

[move]Its bin hooked on specimen gear but never banked!!!!![/move]
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Unread post by joffmiester »

Yes dodge they said below me to the left was better but after yesterday and the mild weather it looks like the fish are moving around Bicko was on 198 then there are a few bushes below them fished well its not very often Sean Ashby get beat on there either side and Sean still had 12lb 14lb one side and 13lb the other .its not a lot but one mistake throughout the match length and you find yourself catching up Image
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well that pike was big one as i pulled i saw it head about a foot down and it displaced the water above Image Imageits truly amazing what you can do with balanced tackle Image
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Unread post by craftytafty »

wish there was a venue like that round here, looks good.

Don't talk to me about pike, bloke next to me on Donno yesterday in the winter league had one about 15lb and they counted it Image Image Image Image Image

cost me points in the league Image Image Image Image
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Image Image counted it well you know what you need to do in the next match ;) Imagepop up lobworm Image Image
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Unread post by joffmiester »

Tafty brilliant venue in the winter its where they practice that new winter olympics of pushing a full trolley through the mud Image Image Image
i wish i'd of taken a photo but i just couldnt get my breath Image Image Image Imageit was a good job the pegs are close
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enjoyable read joff :)
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Unread post by leeben1 »

wish there was a venue like that round here, looks good.

Don't talk to me about pike, bloke next to me on Donno yesterday in the winter league had one about 15lb and they counted it Image Image Image Image Image
Image Image Image Image
cost me points in the league Image Image Image Image
Image Image Image Image
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Unread post by joffmiester »

There is a open match on the stainy next sunday 8.30 draw this time Image
Tom skoley and Lee Kerry are running it i think Image
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Unread post by daskin »

Any chance of Breadpunch working on there, or is it too deep.
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Unread post by joffmiester »

Daskin yes it works sure Lee wright off this site had a weight on bread punch .i love fishing bread but what I think is you might try and do too much .it is a fish catching venue and it's so easy to fall behind . Bread works but I think you would have to fish it from start to finish but hay a gamble like that can often be rewarding Image
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Being individual I will try it in one match for sure Image
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Unread post by craftytafty »

Image Image counted it well you know what you need to do in the next match  ;) Imagepop up lobworm  Image Image

Joking aside it's about time all Commercials had to belong to the Angling Trust or some body which controlled them and all fish to a set of rules set in place and provided a certain standard of facilities. If they didn't join, no matches.

But that should maybe another thread, so sorry for that little aside
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Tafty start a topic off Imagecould be interesting what others think Image
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Unread post by joffmiester »

Daskin you've got me thinking if i fish the open on sunday i will just take bread as i've got to get it out of my head as well.Who dares wins !!!!!! Image Image Image
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Unread post by fin »

Joff/Daskin, very good bait is the punch on the stainy, I always start on it rather than fishing nxt to my net,, you sometimes only catch for an hour but I have caught for two hours odd times. Been in 170s, 200s & 230 this series and have bites everytime on it, try it Joff, you'll be surprised.. Image
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Good read Joff, cracking day weather wise on sunday
wasn't it..
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