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SMF Cut Championship 2013............

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SMF Cut Championship 2013............


Unread post by TK »

Or 36 hostages at Fishley.............

Well what can I say?

I’ll start by thanking all for turning up at this 4th SMF Cut Championship – it was good to meet some ‘old faces’ and many more new ones – cheers  Image

Thanks also to Bullah, Phil B, Mike E, Joffie and Dazzla for the raffle prizes............ Image Image Image  .not forgetting Manny for me bacon sarnie that I forgot to pay him for. ‘Forgot’ – that seems to be a bit of a reoccurring word yesterday.......... Image

Now the apology from an alzheimer suffering numpty  :-[  for taking you all hostage........sods law that is, once before on these matches we were locked out.........can’t believe we got locked in this time.  Image  Whilst i wait for Heinzer to shout ‘Eureka I’ve found the keys in the car’, I’d better also thank Heinzer’s missus and JK for coming to our aid with the spare set of keys and releasing us. Spose the one good thing that came out of it was that we didn’t have an after match barbie this year – good thing really – as someone’s pointed out, it would have been cinderised by the time we got back to the club.  Image

As to the fishing...........well what can I say – apart from a couple of exceptions, it was hard to say the least.  :'(  A few DNWs, but I didn’t actually hear of any dreaded dry uns And as for the weather – just glad that final downpour ended before the final whistle or I might have slung my sodden stuff in the cut along with the gate key

On a personal front I drew a dreaded long walk, but was greeted by a peg I’ve fished before and done well off.


I needed it to fish well again again – i was flanked either side by cut cracks Pedro and Kingfisher. No pressure then, and I knew what the peg was capable of and how to ‘attack it’.   ::)

But the best laid plans don’t always come to fruition and they certainly didn’t on this match .......3 roach in the first 3 put ins was followed by bites on both punch lines that for some reason I just couldn’t touch  :o Image

The weather took a turn for the worse and bites were at a premium so halfway through with a lull in the rain I took the camera for a walk

(click on the pictures to enlarge them)

And to my right, northern cut crack Pedro.


And the master, Kingfisher


ME looking rather posh


Dick Van Dyke with some strange looking bloke who kept walking up and down


Dead Peg looking a bit grumpy considering he’d got a 3lb+ breme in the net


Now with a smile like that, TrevorB must have got at least 2 3lb breme in his net


Buzza wasn’t too chuffed – he’d been seen off twice


Josh was having a few and had snared a tinca too


Swampy fishing long short........if you get my drift


Next up its Victor and co on the fancied wides


Hum, just thought - was there a hat stall that I missed. Must say, they do look all the rage


Towpath2 owning up to a lb plus skimmer.......


Snowie having his usual cuss and chunter


And just who would this be on an end bridge peg..........? Answers on a postcard..........nah on second thoughts don’t bother, that’s far too easy a question


Last but not least the others on all those flyers south of the walkover bridge


Back I trotted and on the way back, heard that Buzza the Tavern Champ had snared a bit of a beastie, enough supposedly to trouble Dick’s few tench.

All I could muster for the rest of the match was a few more small rudd and tbh I was glad to hear the whistle.

Up trotted Woodhouse to weigh ‘our end’ in and having packed up I took a few ‘catch’ pictures.......

First Dick with his tincas



Dead peg with his breme


Now for the tale of the scales..........

2 SWERVO 1.1.8
3 TAUDS 0.11.13
4 G MITCHELL 1.10.4 Section Winner
5 HEINZER 0.7.8
6 K WELLINGS 0.12.7

7 HUMPY 1.7.6
8 TOP 4 4.1.6 Section Winner
9 STEVE OWEN 0.5.0
10 DAMO23 1.3.6
11 PHIL B 1.5.3

12 BULLAH 1.2.4
14 MOZZIE 4.0.0
15 BLUES4EVA 0.12.10
16 R JONES 4.0.8 Section Winner

18 SAM R 0.8.8
19 MANNY 1.15.15 Section Winner

24 DAZZLA 2.6.4
26 JOFFIE 3.1.0 Section Winner
27 SNOWIE 1.3.6

28 TOWPATH2 2.3.0
31 SWAMPY 3.14.4
32 JOSH 5.5.8
33 TAVERN CHAMP - BUZZA 32.4.0 Section Winner
34 TREVOR B 0.15.8

35 DEAD PEG 5.3.0
36 DICK 11.10.0 Section Winner
39 TK 1.6.4
40 PEDRO 1.1.8

Nope – that isn’t a typo against peg 33.

Remember me mentioning a beastie – well here it is - all   19lb 9oz of it – the fish that is, not Buzza




Well done Buzza the new SMF Cut Champion – bet you wont forget that battle  for a while  Image Image

Then it was back to the club (eventually) for a pint, the raffle and a bit of entertainment - wasnt it Joffie and Co  Image Image Image
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SMF Cut Championship 2013............


Unread post by TK »

I've pinched this from elsewhere on here for completeness - here's the Joffmeister's report

well my day started well !! flinty who's very shy on the website but looks in from time to time knocked on the door just after 7 am and i was greeted with two lovely breakfast rolls ;) ;) ;) ;)and after his day on the tidal trent on saturday said to me "we are going to catch more than i did yesterday ain't we" Image Image Imagei should think so its full of tench and bream and plenty of squatt fish i said ;) ;)i couldn't believe it it took less than a hour to get to the draw and believe me when the conversation is all about how crap the tide trent is it didn't need to be any further ::) ::)

TK proud as punch with his chest sticking out and right big smile on his said "bloody hell your early ive got the gate open ready best back down so it will be easier when we leave for the club after" Image Image Image

all the way to Birmingham it had been storm after storm so it was not surprise to see everyone in there winter jumpers and gortex


TK and HEINZER had all the organising under control they had pegged out and prepeared the draw .i'm pretty sure its the biggest turnout so far and we had the usual banter and laugh before the start

as i drew my peg 26 thank god the big bugger has drawn that peg Image Image why i said is it good and TK replied not its oppisite the cars can you keep a eye on them Image Image Image Image

well we all went off to our pegs just as it started to spot with yet more rain when how should appear but woodhouse


bloody hell the newest part of his kit must of been the hat on his head Image Image Image
dodge will be pleased to see the brilo box is still in use Image Image Image Image

i really fancied my peg right next to the bridge Image Image again i thought it might shelter me from the wind Image Image fat chance of that it was all over the place and every direction Image Image
although i was spoiled for choice which area to fish as i had weeds everywhere

to my left

and to my right


tench city i thought Image Image Image Image

my section was either side of the bridge the section of death with Bicko keef snowy towpath and swampy

one side of the bridge


to the other


i had a good start with a few squatt fish but really no size so it wasn't long before my primed chopped worm line were in use and quickly had bites off small perch i felt as if the big wouldn't have a go as each fish i caught were like little hand warmers as the water seamed to be warmer than the air temp and quite often kills the sport after hour woodhouse was already behind me and said no one had caught much so i kept working between the squatt line and chopped worm lines by now
i could loose feed squatt as A the size of my squatt were very small and B the wind wouldn't allow it i tried a toss pot but that brought in very small fish that blow off in the wind Image Imageso it was time for Image Image Image Image Image Image

i method ive used when you want your bait right on the nail and to be fair it worked really well . fish kept coming into the area and each time i topped up it was instant between times i tried for tench and more perch picking off what i could and trying to keep fish going into the net snowy and towpath both had good spells and i couldn't see keef or bicko only there laughter could heard woodhouse had told me that Bicko had caught a big perch so at the weigh in no one knew how would win the section ::) ::) ::)but this year i'd got the better of bicko with 3lb 1oz mind-you there was no need for bicko to throw the keys to the gate in the cut after he found out i'd won the section Image Image Image Image
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SMF Cut Championship 2013............


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Image Image Image Image Image Imageentertainiment alright i about bust my sides and threw up at the same time Image Image Image Image Image Image
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SMF Cut Championship 2013............


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Ave ya found key yet Fozzie  ?¿?..........what yer like. - EH!!!

:D :D :D Do owt to earn a Muppet Badge   Image Image Image Image

Will popup a pic of a so called maver 88 power top...........when i get a mo  :-[
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SMF Cut Championship 2013............


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Wocka, Wocka, Wocka :D
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SMF Cut Championship 2013............


Unread post by joffmiester »

well after the match and after the lock in Image yep youve never heard of a lock in on amatch before only in a pub :D :D :D
needless to say this had to be addressed over a few beers back at the harrisons club and for thoughs of you that couldn't make it well you missed a treat Image Image
victor and pedro finally arrived at the club after taking a short cut across several fields and dykes [its what you do in donny ;)] Dazzala Keef manny Rob Sam and myself were enjoying a pint or two then victory and pedro joined us and TK and Heinzer got onwith the raffle well all i can say the old boys saw a sparkle in the eye's when a certain lady took a shine to them

it bagan to worry me as she started sitting on there knees and rolling allover them almost like a dog leaves a sient of course the rest of us could see why the two of them were so interested Image but then we put two and two together and realisied as you get old you can't your beer
this what we saw but i'm not sure if young Sam fancied it a little Image Image Image


honestly the smell Image Image Image Image
she was trying to sell the G/B that was in the raffle back to us Image Image Image in the end Rob gave her a pound thinking shed go away Image Image Image Image well that back fired and then it was victors turn Image Image brilliant
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SMF Cut Championship 2013............


Unread post by TrevorBeckett »

Top report and photos and a good ( but somewhat damp ) time was had by all who attended . Thanks to TK & the match organisers and you really did reach new levels of car park security ( NCP should take note ) .

Hope to see many of you on the canal bank sometime soon.

What about setting up a Cashmores Carp Syndicate ( only £500 per season ? )

tight lines
Trevor B
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SMF Cut Championship 2013............


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tk to dave weres the gate key i gave it you,
dave to tk no you daint you had the key
tk no i give you the key
dave no you daint
tk yes did
dave no you daint
tk yes i did
dave no i aint
and 15 mins later
yes i did
no ya daint

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
Image Image
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SMF Cut Championship 2013............


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I think Dick should of blown his tench like that carp they look flat as a flounder Image Image Image
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SMF Cut Championship 2013............


Unread post by damo28 »

cant wait for next years Image

or we should convince tk to run some other ones a bit more frequent Image have our own canal league Image
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SMF Cut Championship 2013............


Unread post by joffmiester »

damo on the way back Rob said to me sometime we all forget how to relax and have a laugh while we are fishing if TK ran a league you'd have 40 on it everytime great bunch of lads that still enjoy there fishing Image Image Image
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SMF Cut Championship 2013............


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I know yea it wouldn't be a daunting league it be more like a good bunch of anglers of all abilities and ages coming together and having a good laugh and a reward for doing it but most of all enjoy what we do enjoy doing it, Image Image

the SMF was my 1st match and even though I had never really meet any one before and I didn't get a chance at taking a prize it was a joyful experience to have even though I looked like id been swimming Image Image
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SMF Cut Championship 2013............


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cant wait for next years  Image

or we should convince tk to run some other ones a bit more frequent  Image have our own canal league  Image

1 rule tho, NO venues were you need KEY to get our of the venue, or give it to some one responsible to look after, that rules all of us out.............. he'd betta bring mrs tk to look after the key Image Image Image Image Image
Image Image
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SMF Cut Championship 2013............


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woodlane parking it is then Image
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SMF Cut Championship 2013............


Unread post by Pedro »

Thanks GUYZZZ we really enjoyed the day...plus nice to put faces to names Image

Our campain started on Saturday...but more abart that another time ( well.......what i mean is I'll knock summet up tomorrow whalst at work) Image
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SMF Cut Championship 2013............


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we should convince tk to run some other ones a bit more frequent

Image Image Image You still trust me to run another un Image Image Image
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SMF Cut Championship 2013............


Unread post by Josh1337 »

cant wait for next years  Image

or we should convince tk to run some other ones a bit more frequent  Image have our own canal league  Image

Brill Idea!

Really enjoyed it again this year, weather was crap! but nevermind..

Thanks to all those that helped on the day!! Image
and Thanks again to all those that helped with the stuck joint, TOP KIT WAS RESCUED! Image
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SMF Cut Championship 2013............


Unread post by Pedro »

cant wait for next years  Image

or we should convince tk to run some other ones a bit more frequent  Image have our own canal league  Image

Brill Idea!

Really enjoyed it again this year, weather was crap! but nevermind..

Thanks to all those that helped on the day!!  Image
and Thanks again to all those that helped with the stuck joint, TOP KIT WAS RESCUED! Image

Another bloody Maver - eh! Image Image Image
Yas shoulda took up mi offer of a hacksaw...............junior :D Image
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SMF Cut Championship 2013............


Unread post by swampy »

Many thanks to everyone who organised the match. Apart from the weather I actually quite enjoyed it nearly 4lb of squatt fish ain't a bad days fishing but after seeing hundreds of skimmers on the wides Friday I still can't believe not one of us had them Image
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SMF Cut Championship 2013............


Unread post by damo28 »

Yea we trust ya Image just get u a cord to keep the key on Image
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